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Phil (1666) - Wulebgr (1473) [A68]
Taxing Quads Spokane (2), 11.04.2002

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5 4.d5 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.f4 Bg7 8.Nf3 0-0 9.Bd3 Diagram


9...Bg4 10.h3 Bxf3 11.Qxf3 Nh5 12.Be3 Qh4+ 13.Kd2! Qg3



 [14.Nb5 Nd7 (14...a6 15.Nxd6) 15.Nxd6+/-]

14...a6 15.Rhc1 Diagram


 [15...Qxf3 16.gxf3 b5 Fritz]

16.b4 Qxf3 17.gxf3 c4 18.Be2


18...Nd7 19.a4 Bxc3+ 20.Rxc3 Ng3 21.Ra3 Rac8 22.Bd4 Rfe8 23.axb5 axb5 24.Ra7 Re7 25.Bf6 Diagram

25...Rxe4! 26.fxe4 Nxe4+ 27.Kc2 Ndxf6

 with compensation for the material

28.Bf3 Nf2 29.Bg4 N2xg4 30.hxg4 Nxg4 31.Re1 Nf6 32.Ree7 Rf8 33.Reb7 Nxd5 34.Rxb5 Nxf4 35.Rbb7 Diagram

35...h5! 36.Rd7 d5 37.b5 Nd3 38.b6 Nb4+ 39.Kc3 Nc6 40.Rac7 d4+ 41.Kd2 Na5 42.Rd5 Diagram


 [42...Ra8 43.b7 Nxb7 44.Rxb7 Ra2+ 45.Kd1 d3 46.Rc7 h4 47.Rxc4 h3 48.Rxd3 h2 49.Rh3+-]

43.Rxa5+/- 1.02 Fritz

43...Rxb6 44.Rxc4+- 1.38 Fritz


44...Rd6 45.Raa4+- 1.63 Fritz

45...Kg7 46.Rxd4+- 1.56 Fritz

 [46.Kd3+- 1.59 Fritz]

46...Rxd4+ 47.Rxd4+- 1.41 Fritz


 [Fritz 5.32: 1) 47...g5 48.Ke3 f5 49.Rd7+ Kf6 50.Rd8 Ke5 51.Re8+ Kf6 52.Rh8 2.22/18 ;

 Fritz 5.32: 2) 47...Kf6 48.Rd5 g5 49.Ke3 Kg6 50.Ke4 h4 51.Rd8 f6 52.Rb8 2.19/17 ;

 Fritz 5.32: 3) 47...f6 48.Ke3 g5 49.Rd7+ Kg6 50.Ke4 h4 51.Rd8 h3 52.Rh8 2.53/17 ]

48.Ke3+- 1.69 Fritz


 [48...f5 49.Rd6+- 1.97 Fritz; 48...f5 Wulebgr vs. Crafty (hard) 7 Nov 2002 from here forward. 49.Kf3 h4 50.Rd8 g4+ 51.Kg2 Kg6 52.Rg8+ Kh5 53.Rh8+ Kg5 54.Kh2 f4 55.Rg8+ Kf5 56.Rh8 g3+ 57.Kh3 f3 58.Rh5+ Kf6 59.Rxh4 g2 60.Kh2 Kg5 61.Ra4 Kf5 62.Kg1 Kg5 63.Kf2 Kf5 64.Ra8 Kg5 65.Rh8 Kf5 66.Rf8+ Kg4 67.Rg8+ Kf4 68.Rg7 Ke4 69.Rf7 puts black in zugzwang 69...g1N 70.Kxg1 Ke3 71.Kf1 Kd4 72.Rxf3 1-0]

49.Ke4+- 2.09 Fritz

49...f5++- 3.28 Fritz

 [49...f6+- 2.16 Fritz]

50.Ke5 2.94 Fritz

50...h4 51.Rd6+ 2.91 Fritz

51...Kh5 52.Kxf5 2.75 Fritz depth 13; 1.94 Fritz depth 14

52...h3 53.Rd7 2.25 Fritz

 [53.Rd4 h2 54.Rd8 Kh4 55.Rh8+ Kg3]

53...Kh4 54.Rd4++- 2.38 Fritz

 [54.Rd2 Kg3]




 [55.Rg4 h2 56.Rxg5+ Kh6-+]

55...Kh4 Diagram


 [56.Rd4+ 3.09 Fritz 56...Kg3 57.Rg4+ Kf2 58.Kxg5 h2 59.Rf4+ Kg2; 56.Rd2+- 3.09 Fritz 56...Kg3 57.Rd3+ Kh4 (57...Kg2 58.Kg4 h2 59.Rd2+ Kg1 60.Kg3 h1N+ 61.Kf3 g4+ 62.Kxg4 Nf2+ 63.Kf3 Nh3+-) ]

56...Kg3 57.Kxg5 [57.Ke4 0.00 Fritz]

57...h2 58.Rxh2

 draw agreed [58.Rh4 Kg2 59.Rg4+ Kh1 60.Rd4 Kg2; 58.Kf5 Kg2 59.Rg8+ Kh3 60.Kf4 h1Q 61.Rh8+ Kg2 62.Rxh1 Kxh1]
