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New things...

{upcoming readings/openings/events}

an evening with dancing girl press
Saturday June 16th, 7pm
Edge Gallery
6318 N Clark Street

Laura Goldstein
Tricia Taaca
Laura Madeline Wiseman
J Hope Stein

WomanMade Gallery
Sunday, July 22
685 N Milwaukee

wickedpen74 (at) yahoo (dot com)

{writing news & publications}

*new poems in stirring, requited, delirious hem, vinyl poetry, bone bouquet, diode, blue-eyed boy bait, western humanities review and the anthology Brute Neighbors: urban nature poetry, prose, and photography.

*some notes on brief history of girl as match from Adam Fieled, Frances Donovan and K. Lorraine Graham

{press, features, interviews, etc.}

NPM Spotlight @ Black Lawrence Press
@ Best American Poetry Blog (february '12)
@ We Who Are About to Die (oct 10')
Alumni Interview, Rockford College (august '10)
@ The Experimental Arts Examiner (july '10)
@ Printers's Row Book Blog (may 10')
on blogging (sept 09)
@ Publish Chicago (may 09')
@SharkForum (may 09')
@ 12th Street (oct 08')
e-panel on chapbook publishing @ the emerging writers network (oct 08')
ten questions @ very like a whale (feb 07')
@ the chicagoist (dec 07')
@ what to wear during an orange alert (nov 07')
@ dislocate (oct 07')
women of the web interview (sept 07')
girlistic magazine (dec 06')

{art publications, exhibits & galleries}

Art of Library, Columbia College Library, (2003-Ongoing)
WomanMade Gallery, Underground (2011)
Papercuts & Gluesticks Gallery (2008)
Unlikely Stories 2.0 (2006)
WomanMade Gallery, Secret Places, Sacred Spaces (2005)

{readings, audio recordings, etc}

Beyond Audubon: Birds, Bees & Bona Fide Beasts @ WomanMade Gallery, 2010
    (w/ Lauren Levato, Todd Heldt, Sarah Gardner, & Erika Mikkalo)
Series A Mini-Conference Reading, 2009
Green & Free a Solstice Celebration, UniVerse of Poetry, 2008
    (w/ Kevin Coval, Onam Liduba, Cin Salach, James Reese, & Pont des Artes Ensemble)
Wordslingers Radio Archives, WLUW, 2004 & 2006