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Welcome to the
Underground Poetry World
Where freedom of expression reigns.
Note: This page is once again under construction as of 03/21/05. My Apologies for the rather lengthy break.
Some people have asked me why am I creating this site? The answer will be simple to you if you have ever been censored in your poetry. I hate censorship of poetry because it then inhibits an artists ability to work and create on their own terms. Don't get me wrong, although I don't agree with the censorship of poetry it doesn't mean that I wont restrict things on this site. I will not except crap. I do however want everyone to feel free to send me any poetry they might want to see on the site. If it is not your own work please sight the author. Copyright laws and stuff are a b*tch!!!

Links to other places on my site

Poetry you submitted

The Stuff in my head. Yep my poems ;)

Links to other poetry sites

Teen Ink

Email all poetry, questions,comments,complaints etc. to me at Underground Poet if you can't click on the mail-to link, the address is Please note that the subject line should say "Poetry". The poem should include the title and the authors name and the person's name submitting the poem if different from the author. Thanx.

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