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A true friend is hard to find
you lose control and lose your mind
until a specail day appeared
you entered my life
without any fear
You've been for me
during my saddest time
you open my eyes
and help me realize
boyfriends come and go
friends can be mean
but special friends are hard to find
but i found one
and i'm lucky its you
I start off sad most of the time
and by the end of the night
my problems dissappear
I'm glad i found you
It must be true
they're is such things as angels
because God sent you .
You're a true friend
one thats hard to find
I'm lucky I found you
I'm lucky so lucky
to have a true friend like you.
Thank you for being there for me.
By:Megan Gibson

"Being Friends Means Never Being Alone."

"There are times when we need a word of encouragement, or someone to wipe away a tear or two; to share the joy of the things that bring us happiness, when we're down and feeling blue. Thank you for being there"