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i only am

Welcome. You've managed to stumble across my poetry-and-journal site. I'm not making any promises, if you leave disappointed, it's not my fault. Actually, it is, but it is your fault that you read it. So now i have warned you, and now you can't complain. Have fun. But, not to try and drive you away, hopefully over the years i have gotten better. besides, what better do you have to do? the first two links are links to poetry. the third is something of a journal. i can't promise that it will be updated every day, but i should put some updates in it, at least twice a week. although, that's probably not the reason you're here anyway. read and enjoy whatever peaks your interest. if you feel the urge to contact me, my e-mail is at the bottom of this page. peace

[how funny]

if we run...

take a hit
the later years
before you go
