« David Michael Wolach »


So predictably had her life slipped into a typical
passing of days that she thought of waking her husband
only to slap him for not warning her ahead of time.
This would be a coded request for forgiveness. But as
he slept like the dead she took off her socks and
underwear, stood, and examined herself in the pilfered
glass. The mirror hid nothing: it spoke of misdeeds,
of wrongdoing and the necessity of anger. She had
sobbed quietly until sunup, nonetheless savoring,
somehow, the activity of the night. Of what she took
from him, and of what she left behind.

David Michael Wolach teaches philosophy and literature at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. Prior to coming to Evergreen Wolach lived in New York City for ten years, teaching at Barnard College and serving as a union organizer for the United Auto Workers. A new writer, Wolach's essays, fiction, and poetry have appeared or will appear in
various publications this year, including The Tipton Poetry Journal, Poetry Midwest, Heartlands Magazine, and Storyglossia. Wolach, winner of a Broadside Press Poets Award and a Peralta Press Editor's Prize, is also one of the managing editors of Wheelhouse Magazine.

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