« Richard Fein »


At first we tried to share the exact same dream,
but while I’d dream of climbing mountains
you’d navigate the seas by starlight.
Or we’d both dream of strolling down Main street,
but I’d be naked
and you’d be wearing a starched blouse and modest skirt.
And we always wake up on opposite sides of the bed
with neither of us on top or bottom,
for we each like sprawling in our own space.
At first we tried to share the exact same dream,
but this morning I woke and scratched a dull itch.
Now I’m sipping coffee, daydreaming
and listening to morning news, traffic, and weather,
while you’re in the bedroom snoring.

Richard Fein was a finalist in The 2004 Center for Book Arts Chapbook Competition. He has been published in many web and print journals, such as Oregon East Southern Humanities Review, Touchstone, Windsor Review, Maverick, Parnassus Literary Review, Small Pond, Kansas Quarterly, Blue Unicorn, Exquisite Corpse, and many others. He also has an interest in digital photography and have published many of my photos. Samples of his photography can be found on http://www.pbase.com/bardofbyte.

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