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Forms of poetry

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To sleep as death--To wake at morn--To be without--That awakening dawn













My name is Chrystal Miller and unless your sheltered or unbelievably preppy, you've experienced some of the stuff life throws at you, delightful and depressing.

When such happens to me I honour the occasion with a poem or such, and in these webpages you can read and hence share the important parts of my life and also read up about the different forms of poetry.

I live in Sweden though I'm English (Born in Germany) and it's such a beautiful place compared to England, don't believe me? Take a look at the photos page and judge!

To view my most recent poems click here

To read about the different types of poems you can write click here

To view the photos I have click here


Suggestions? Comments? contact me on:

Yahoo messenger: idkcmiller

MSN messenger:


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