My Cyberhome In The Void

Page#1- Poetry Library
Page#2- Link Library
Page#3- Sims2 Link Library

Welcome to My Cyberhome In The Void. A big thank you to for giving me the chance to finally find a place to call my home, and thank you to my guests for enjoying this little nook in space. I can't seem to get the view to display properly, so everything looks like a run on sentence.... SORRY!! For comments and poetry permission you'll have to email me at Peace and love to all you wonderful poetry buffs. Inspiration is in my blood, and vision is in your hearts if you even get one of the three hidden meanings in each and every poem I create then I commend you on your own creative visual skills! To everyone and anyone that's ever read my work, I commend you on your unique visualization skills. Great news all my poetry fans as of the summer 2003 I've gone International... Thanks to Noble House Publishing in London, Uk I've been published in Europe with my poems "No Words To Say" and in 2004 "Courage or Stupidity?" There are also poems also published in the good old US of A. I cannot believe my wonderful luck of being able to be one of many wonderful representatives of Canadian Poetry in other places. I hope I do a wonderful representation of a Canadian attitudes and thought process! I just wish a Canadian company would publish me too, I only have one published in Canada as a result of a poetry contest when I was 17. Although like many great poets, do we ever get paid for any of our works; I think not! Wonders... the questions that are written in the wind and stored in the breath of your mind. Looking inside to find the outer answers to your woes and daily stagnation. Is it travel to the mysterious lands and large wonders that will wake up your eternal being or are you still standing on the ledge of life wondering which way to turn? Poetry lives, Art breaths, and stories are recorded while the human energy hears the story. All of the poetry printed on this site have already been published across the USA and the UK (and one in Canada). My Poems Are All Copyrighted @2001 & @2002 &@2003 &@2004 &@2006 by Angel F. all work on this site is protected by copyright laws and misuse or use without the express permission of the author is a violation. Give me some feedback but remember there is only me and no hidden staff running this web page… so please respect my time, thank you! Over the years I’ve also collected some great sites to visit: expand your knowledge! There are a variety of different types of links to choose from, visit them all! If any link is broken please email me and let me know, if there is a new link I'll update it... if not, I'll remove it. Thank-you! Need some links for Vancouver, BC Canada check out the Vancouverites links? Check back every once in awhile for updates in my cyberhome, even though I am not sure when I'll update. To all of those that worked hard creating their own sites I salute you! I will try to make My Cyberhome In The Void as comfortable as I can. Thank you for visiting “My Cyberhome In The Void” at My Cyberhome was opened up in late May 2001. I am still doing some interior decorating after all these years, so check back and see what’s new in the void! Check out all of my poetry on this site and remember that it is all copyrighted@2001 & @2002 & @2003 &@2004 &@2006 by Angel F. Being copyrighted you may not reproduce, copy, or used it in any way without my personal consent. That includes the persons that have copied and pasted it on their own sites minus my name, please ask permission and give me the credit for the hours of hard work I've put into each and every poem. If you want to use one, e-mail me: Permission is given when I know exactly how my poetry is to be used, you won’t know if you don’t ask. I've had close to 100 poems published and it is a violation to use my work without my consent. Thanks to for advertising my work and thanks to Noble House Publishing for allowing me to publish in Europe! Thank you to all the various Publishing Companies, and Schools that have published me in their books as well. A special thanks to my editor Greg Scott, I really appreciate all the time and effort you put in to make sure it was perfect! Thanks to everyone for their kind words and appreciation over the years, and I hope you will enjoy the fully edited versions of the poetry when all is uploaded. Still need another HTML editor... I'll get on that however. Don't have time to enjoy all of my site right now? No problem, bookmark this site now! Don't be the only one to enjoy my cyberhome! Tell all of your friends to come and visit My Cyberhome In The Void at Thank you for this award "Ask Milky.Com" : sorry no banner but it stopped working. I will continue to try and make the internet a better place to surf, sit back, relax, and enjoy "My Cyberhome In The Void". Thanks for coming, see you again very soon. Last note... My Cyberhome In The Void is currantly undergoing a minor facelift... so bare with me as I upload the newly edited poetry as of now they are more in rough draft before meeting my wonderful editor GS; Thank-you! Also I love the Sims 2 it's my favorite game in the entire world... hence the Sims 2 links. I've gone through all of the links here and as far as I know they all work, although some of the Sims 2 sites have changed over to Sims 3; while others are soliciting donations for some items... so hurry and download your custom content before all the sites close down, it's happening a lot quicker than I thought. Be sure not to run the file from the site, although all are safe sites; sites can still be hacked! Save them to your computer and scan them with a good antivirus software before unpacking them (AVG or Microsoft Security Essentials I know work; my computer hasn't been sick yet from Custom Content!). Last updated on Wedsday April 24, 2013