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Celebrating the Little things in life

As the alarm clock rings, I wipe the sleep from my eyes.  And I'm thankful I have another day of life.  As I dress for the day full of work and no play, I search for the part of life, I want my child to believe in.  A world full of people with kind eyes and kind hearts.  A world where they say, I love you just like you are.  A world which won't care, if she makes mistakes here or there.  Just a neighbor or friend to believe in.  How will she grow to care, with so much hatred out there?  To want to wish on a star to believe in?  I continue greeting each new day, and my goal never strays.  Showing my love for my child to believe in.  - written by J. Ammons



I don't believe in wasting your time, so here is a summary of what you can expect to see if you meander around my site.  Its layout and its content tell a true story of survival from domestic and sexual abuse and in some respects how each effects the decisions made for the future.  The story shows betrayal and love.  It's not about one relationship of abuse, but of two separate and different relationships and the forms of abuse.  It's about how life is "not fair".  I tell my story through my poetry.  Though the majority of my writings are written in simple, freestyle form, there are a couple that may leave you scratching your head in wonder.  I promise, by the end of the storyline, they will all make sense.   

The scrolling text above, is one of my writings written for my youngest daughter and at her request it is the first poem to be displayed there.  When the notion hits I may change the scrolling poem from time to time. 

Aside from the storyline, there are jokes (both clean & adult subject/ clearly marked and in separate selections), funny pictures, little inspirational sayings, and some of my artwork.  There are also other pages with various content.  The main index will have a detailed list of all pages.  Please feel free to look around.  If you have a question or comment, please use the guestbook to contact the webmaster and author of this site or an email link may be found on the Main Index page.  Thank you.


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