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Wedding of Carnos and Merrymad

The wedding was held at greater faydark on Sunday 26, the location was the south east from the book from Planes of knowledge. Here is the offical guild invertation.


The Group arrived slowly to the wedding that going to be held on sunrise the next day, they met at the tree, then sat on the hill. The sun began to slowly set, every one sat on the grass and waited for the wedding to be begin on the next day. Carnos the groom of this wedding and leader of the guild, was sitting down and was waiting for his bride to arrive. Now and again he tried to get some non-exsistant lint off his robe and was paying attention to the guests as they were talking amongst themselves.

 The bride to be, named Merrymad arrived and sat on the other side of the hill, away from Carnos view. She waited quietly for a guild member to arrive and hand her the Flowers.


After the bride recieved the flowers, she left unexpectedly, Carnos heard brief comments from the wedding guests that she left to hunt in a realm called Overthere. Carnos started to fret, praying his future wife will return soon, guild members notice his worrying and hang around close to him and tried to calm him down. As an idea they offered him what ment to believed to be as water inorder to calm him down, but really was fine eleven wine with the label faded, after Carnos drank it completely with out tasting it, he then began to hiccup rapidly, he continued to hiccup until he mistakenly casted a spell which altered his outer looks, after the shock from the guests and some quick thinking, they manage to sit Carnos down from panicing and made him drink and eat until he changed back into his original form .

 As we were waiting we listened to soothing music from a bard, during this Carnos  was walking back and forth muttering over and over "Its normal a bride to show up late, its traditional and you can’t break traditions."


It began to rain and Carnos looked even more worried. More guests arrived and all decided to move to the the tree, Carnos could not sit but walked around asking himself where is Merrymad. Daylight cleared the clouds and every one looked relaxed about it.

While waiting, the wedding picture caster requested that the guests and groom to face him and get their picture casted, some of guild members where a little too shy about this and did not understand the power of the picture caster and ran from his view, The picture caster sighed and waited for the guests to return back slowly in the end, once returned a loud *poof* noise followed by a brief flash of light, making a full picture of all the guests and the groom of course.


Then the one named Ofelia arrived to the, she is priest of the wedding which shall bind Carnos and Merrymad's soul together. Then Followed by three friends of Ofelia who were witnesses to the wedding.

Then the shouts where heard followed by merrymad bolting towards the wedding, she ran trying to clean her self from the last battle. She slowed down and gave a hug to Carnos, Carnos gave relieved sigh and huged back with excitment. Then after a few moments staring at each others eyes they turn to face Ofelia the Priest. The guests then settled down by the tree as the wedding began.

 Ofelia says, "We are assembled here today, in this beautiful setting, to witness and celebrate one of the most wonderful adventurers that any pair among us enters upon. For on this fine dawning we gather to lend our support and best wishes to the most joyous bindings of affinity - that between husband and wife."


During this time some of the guests were a little too excited about the wedding and began drinking loudly, inerutping the wedding. It then started a brief argument from the crowed, then the arguement got louder, which the bride and groom could hear threats clearly but ended quickly by a very loud thump noise. The Priest tried her best to ignore this and continued the ceremony. She points to Carnos and Merrymad sit down on the soft grass.


Ofelia says, "The realm of Norrath is wide and wondrous, many miracles manifest themselves here. There are casual groupings to slay a magnificent beast"

Carnos let a brief noise of happiness.

Ofelia says, "But the most wondrous and sacred of all is that special grouping, that special banding together."

Carnos hears noises from a far of travellers and casters screaming for help or yelling to trade, which was beginning to bother him, Carnos gave an pained look at Ofelia with high hopes that she would tell them to quiet down from the screaming and the yelling.

Ofelia says, "For once bound together, every triumph they share is the sweeter, and every tragedy is more bitter sweet… To quest alone is noble, to guest with the one you love, is magnificent."

Merrymad Shreds a tear and wipes it away and smiles at Carnos, Carnos was grinning like a mad man and some times forgetted to breath, but very happy, more happy than all the victories he been in and even the bounty he had collected.

Ofelia looks at Carnos, raiseing her left hand upwards instructing Carnos to stand up, she then speaks with care, and with a soft voice.

Ofelia says, "Carnos, Will you take merrymad, to be your wife? In times of full buffs and fine gear, and in times when empty handed and with out a copper to both your names, for as long as ye both shall adventure?"

Carnos stands up, faces the Priest with a soft smile

Carnos says calmly, "I do"

Ofelia Raises her right hand up wards instructing Merrymad now to stand also, Ofelia clears her throat, and continues.

Ofelia says, "And Merrymad, do you take Carnos to be your lawfully wedded husband - to have and to hold, in quick spawns and slow? In times of full buffs or none, through 10,000 deaths and resurrections, for as long as you travel this world?"

Merrymad looked and Ofelia and with care spoke clearly for all to hear around her.

Merrymad says, "I do"

The guests gave a relived sigh, and few let out a small cheer, Ofelia quiet them down and look towards Carnos

Ofelia says, "Since ancient days, the holy bond of marriage has been symbolized in the form of a ring, Carnos do you have a ring?"

Carnos gave a face experision of panic as he searched his robe, patting every pocket until he finds the ring and pulls it out and shows it for every one to see. He then turns to Merrymad and she turn to face him. They both beam a soft smile to each other, their eyes locked into each other with complete love for each other.

Carnos says, "I swear upon my hear, my soul, and my magic, to forever hold you highest in my world. Both awake and in dreams, you shall forever remain the one the remains in my thoughts. And forever shall you complete me and my life, a full life. This I swear."

Carnos looks at the ring and touches it softly with his lips, then kisses it, reaches over to Merrymad, shankingly puts it on her finger. They both slowly turned back to Ofelia .

Ofelia says, "Excellent. Now, Merrymad, do you have the ring? Place the ring unpon the finger of your groom and tell the extent of your love for him."

Merrymad sticks her hand into her pouch and pulls out the ring, Beaming with a smile.

Merrymad says, "Yes I do"

Carnos and Merrymad face each other again.

Merrymad says, "Carnos, I give you this ring to hold, for you are my love of my life, I will be near you through sorrows and pains, happiness and laughter, for as long as you will have me, your are my life, this I swear."

Ofelia speaks louder

Ofelia says, "The two of you before me, I ask that you bring your hands together, in a clasping of friendship, of affection, and of desire to seal these vows."

Merrymad Touches the ring to her breast above her heart then reaches over and put it on Carnos finger, they then joined holding hands, Carnos beams a smile at Merrymad. A n univited dwarf then entered the wedding making loud questions,  a few the guests quickly snap to him in whisper which could be heard 3 miles away and he silently walked and sat down, giving a small voice "sorry" to every one. Grogan stood behind the dwarf keeping an eye on him looking at his empty ale mug. Carnos laughs softy to Merrymad, which she was now looking at the wedding crasher, gritting her teeth and moving her hand near her sword.

Ofelia says, "I bless thee union, and ask the gods that they guide this happy couple through all their adventuring. I ask the futher blessing of the gods, that you will always remember the intense joy and commitment, one to another, that you feel at this moment, will you kiss the bride"

Carnos and Merrymad kisses (with out going into deep detail), the guests slapped Carnos back and cheered to him, Merrymad was hugged and congradulated . Carnos listens to Ofelia words and nods solemnly. Heavy drinking sounds started up again follow by a burp.

Unknown guest says, "Weddings always make me cry"

The celebraton began, we partied, dance, drank, ate cake and fired off fire works though the night. I would say more but the Picture caster got drunk and pasted out a few times on some weak ale, awoke and wondered off, getting killed needless to say.

As the wedding was now over and the guests now slowly left and gifts was handed to them. A few members stayed and watched Merrymad open her gifts, she was given pickeled giant toes "A very tasty treat, who would have thought so?" says merrymad as she samples one. As well an velium diamond wedding ring "very nice that one, a diamond" Expressing a biiig smile and continues "Diamonds are after all a girls best friend .. or so I have bin told" says Merrymad showing the guild her ring. A Koada'dal mithril, Koada'dal bracer,Koada'dal helmet, and Koada'dal gloves "Take a look at me now" She grins with excitement showing off her new armor, she then received a silvery belt of contention. "Haste all the time .. NICE" shouted Merrymad as she opened then gift. Merrymad also wanted to say as she looked at her new gift while her hands shook with excitement "A fellow paladin offered me her most noble sword as a present, the ultimate gift a palladin can give, i will take good care of it , and use it well in the fight against all evil beings" she then raises the arbitors combine greatsword above her every one watched as the sword was so finely made it cutted the air it self.

Carnos our guild leader got some Gifts also, A Barbed Whip "To keep the wife in check" chuckles Carnos as he looks at it, and a Wedding ring similar to Merrymads, as well as a nice little belt, and some nice food and snacks.

Carnos and merrymad also like to thank all the guild members who got the booze, cakes and fireworks were also considered presents from our hardworking members with their wonderful craftmanship skills."Thank you so much for using that time, it would not have been the same without it" Says Merrymad arms around Carnos holding him tight. As well those people who made it to the wedding or could not make it but was there in spirit. As well like to thank Ofelia and her three guests for making the wedding great. As well to those who did tried not to "ooc" much. Oh and the gate crasher for sitting down and not make too much of a noise lol.Thank you all so much for making their wedding day so very special and thank you for reliving it again here.....

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