All is quiet in the land,
All is peaceful, all is well,
In his lonely icy fortress
Sleeps Destroyer Gorgrael.

~ ~ ~

Gentle like a lover's touch,
Tender like a lover's breath
Moonlight lulls the earth to sleep,
Singing to the Dance of Death.

~ ~ ~

Swaying to the silent beat
Forests whisper in a trance,
Human, Avar and Icarii
Feel the stars above them dance.

~ ~ ~

"Dream!"- commands the moonlight softly,
"Lover! Lover!"- dreamers moan.
"Gorgrael"- the Lover whispers,
"You need never be alone."

~ ~ ~

Human, Avar and Icarii
Dream under the Lover's spell,
And the Lover's coming, coming,
Coming - straight for Gorgrael.

~ ~ ~

Gently lifting up her child
From the grip of icy power
"Just for you"- the Mother whispers,
"Just for you, my moonwildflower".

~ ~ ~

"Just for me, Destroyer's Lover!"
"Just for you"- the earth agrees
And the moonlight disappears
To the singing of the trees.

~ ~ ~

"You betrayed me, moonlight Lover!"
Roars Destroyer Gorgrael.
"She betrayed you!"- smiles the earth,
All is peaceful, all is well.

Tango May 1998

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