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The Sweetest Thing

My Sweetest Thing in Life

I Love YouMy Wife
To You

Baby, You are My #1 in My life right now.

That's why I dedicate this page to you

My love My One and My Future Partner
This is the song that is playing
Is the song that I chosed for us.

I don't be with no one but you.

The beginning was on March 7, 2004 @ 0100ish
In the beginning,
You was scared to give your heart to me.
In the beginning,
You wasn't sure if I was
the route you wanted to take.
Then the day came when I declared my feelings for you.
At first, it was all lust but later on
We figured out that it was much more than that.
You became the core of me--My Heart.
If it wasn't for you,
I would be lost in a sky of cement clouds.
You turned my clouds to ghost.

It took a while for you to declare your feelings for a female
but when you did, My Earth and Heaven collided.
You stood by me through the tough times.
I could always turn to you and I knew that you would there.
It has been an emotional roller coaster.
But I'm happy to say you are the last for me.
OH!! It hasn't been all sweetness.

Come with me