ࡱ> ?A>M 4bjbj== HWW0l```````t^^^^ jt @ B B B B B B $w f `f ``{  ``@ @ @ ``@ ~ ܡht^ @ @ 0 @ kk@ tt````Double Density Matter (DDM) and Quantum Gravitation By: William Marshall This is an attempt to explain a list of possibilities that would occur in a universe with the properties of digital time and possible matter/energy condensation values equal to and greater than infinity as well as its affect on the foundation on modern physics. DOUBLE DENSITY MATTER What is Double Density Matter? It is the theory that all matter is a form of condensed energy, and that these discrete bits of energy manifest themselves in three distinct arrangements. The first arrangement is assigned values from 0 to less than 1 and is what we would refer to as the photon, or other particles of that nature. The second arrangement has a value of 1 to less than 2 and is normal matter like the proton, and neutron, both containing properties such as mass and inertia. Lastly, the third arrangement or energy manifestation, a value level 2, is the entire class known as black holes or singularities. These values are not arbitrary values, though, but correspond respectively to each gravitational level. For example, a value between 0 limit 1 has, theoretically, no gravity. A value of 1 limit 2 possesses gravity from the most negligible amount to a limit at infinity. And a value of 2 has gravity overcoming space, a.k.a. singularities. By using the concept of curved space-time, we can infer that gravity is more than just a waveform propagating through space, but rather is a function of force/space (f/s). From this overly simplistic equation we can see, given (s=1) and (f=2), that force would double over space and the equation consequently folds into itself. THE DIGITAL UNIVERSE: Energy, Space, and Time Viewed digitally, the universe is easily analyzed utilizing the theory of DDM and quickly becomes strikingly coherent. In Quantum mechanics, small increments of energy known as quanta are the underlying concept of photons. These small packets of energy constitute the basics of digital light and energy when dealing with physics. In the theory of DDM, not only is energy digital, but also space-time. Making a digital universe requires two parts. One of these parts is the energy side of the equation, and the other, is the substantially harder space-time side. Since science has been successful in instituting quantum energy, or the photon, the energy portion of the digital universe is self-evident. The other part of a digital universe is the mutually dependent space-time duet. If you are asking why space and time must be joined together, it is this: time relies on distance to be measured, just as in miles per hour, therefore, there must be a factor of distance in which to verify time. Inferring from the above statement, one can see that a minimum absolute distance of movement through space will translate into a minimum increment value of time, obtaining the equation: C/D absolute, or (constant of light / Absolute Distance). It is the culmination of these three digital properties, energy, space, and time that form the underlying basis of Quantum Gravitation. QUANTUM GRAVITATION In earlier reference we have discussed the topic of the digital universe. Here, we will discuss in greater detail the properties of digital time, space, and energy, and how they all apply to the theory of gravity, specifically, how they supplement Quantum Gravitation. By now, you may have already inferred the construct of QG. A good analogy of the relationship of relativity and Quantum theory is this: Relativity can be viewed as a motion picture, but Quantum theory is the frame by frame analysis of that film. With that in mind, one can see the difference in properties that QT and Relativity seem to have. POINT CHARGES Our sun produces X amount of heat and consumes Y amounts of hydrogen. This is equivalent to Z amount of photons. Now, what if it is possible that the sun is not a ball of flaming energy a million times the size of out earth, but a tiny pebble of immense energy exerting force and gravity equivalent to what we see as the sun? In the theory of DDM, energy pervades the universe until there is sufficient charge to give rise to the physical property known as energy, or the electron/photon. After the stage of mass-less energy is exceeded, then physical matter is created invoking properties such as gravity and inertia. Then, when enough energy is present, the gravitational forces overcome the existence and limits of space and travel becomes irrelevant and a singularity is born. The easiest way to picture the birth of a particle and its eventual fulfillment is to imagine a three dimensional Cartesian graph. If you start at point (0,0,0) there will be a spherical bulge. This bulge represents the particles potential energy. When uniform energy rises to a value above zero, a point of an infinitely minute size is formed. The Cartesian plane lies in tact and the particle is free to roam wherever it pleases utilizing only the electro-magnetic, and weak forces. As this particle grows from a near negligible existence (like that of the neutrino) to that of the all-too-conspicuous photon/electron its energy is increasing. Then there is the time when energy exceeds that of free space and the Cartesian plane starts retracting into itself at the point of the particle such like would appear if one were to look at the graph through a convex lens!!!!!! Now as this particle begins to move, the graph would be also moving since the particle would occupy more than just a purely mathematical point. And as this particle grows in mass and influence eventually gravity would consume said particles ability to travel. Using this example, one can see that it is possible that the actual size of the particle at hand has not grown but only its influence on the surrounding space. The properties of these physical particles exhibit four distinct features corresponding to the four forces in nature, namely the strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravity. It is glaringly obvious that the forces we have managed to unify are the two-part push-pull forces (strong, em, and weak), but as of today, it is impossible to tell whether there is a push force to gravity. One postulate is that gravity is of a different nature than all other forces. I believe this is so. CHARGE CARRIERS, INTO VIRTUAL REALITY Charge carriers, also known as virtual particles, are objects that are theoretically mass less since they have the ability to relocate units of energy without any apparent energy loss due to motion. One charge carrier that is particularly well known is the photon. Photons are used to represent the particle aspect of light, but it too behaves very much as a wave. Another example of a virtual particle is baryonic matter. When a proton and a neutron collide what happens is that the new proton/neutron particle does not really exist. In this phase, many laws of regular matter do not apply such as angular momentum etc. Feynman gives an exceptionally easy to understand diagram of what happens during the phase of a virtual particle. STABLE ENERGY Stable energy exists from a value of greater than zero to less than onequarks are presumably the transition phase between energy and matter. Planck's Constant A fundamental physical constant, the elementary quantum of action, It is the ratio of the energy of a photon to its frequency and is equal to 6.626069 x 10-34 Joule seconds. Symbolized by h. STABLE MATTER Stable matter has a lower limit in the arena of the meson. Probably the most popular meson known by the public is the quark. It is in this tiny point in space where properties such as angular momentum and not real per say, but are solely quantum properties designated so that equations and guesstimates of probable outcomes closely mimic reality. It is also in this field that the M theory, or Super Strings begin. In the theory of Super Strings, matter such as quarks are treated more as tiny loops in space rather than points. These theories have implications on the intricacies of black holes etc. and exceed the scope of this essay. Stable matter exists from a value of one to less than twoneutron stars are presumably the transition phase between matter and singularities. You may ask, Why can quarks not be broken down any further? The answer to this lies not in how powerful a particle accelerator we can build, but has to do with the very nature of space itself. In the essence of matter itself, there is a basic underlying order. Namely, the further down to the center we go, (exponentially) the more energy is released. For example, the outermost stage of an atom, the electron (beta decay), can be released with very little effort and produces things such as light, heat, and fire (or plasmas). The second layer deals with the nucleus of the atom (alpha decay). It is in this layer that you will find the power of (nuclear) fission and fusion; very powerful forces indeed. Though, is one were to look closer, the quark contains far more energy than even fusion can create. The problem comes in when one tries to separate, and isolate a quark. As a rule of thumb, the amount of energy contained in a system is also the amount necessary to invest in it in order to release that particle. The only way around that rule, so far, is to form some type of chain reaction. Therefore, if one were to attempt to shred a quark off of a neutron or something, it would require the potential energy of a quark to so, and since quarks are so stable, it is nearly impossible to isolate one long enough for testing if it ever did last long enough as its own entity to even be recognized for what it is. SINGULARITIES Black holes are beautifully constructed pieces of architecture in both the physical and mathematical realm. Though they are an intricate masterpiece of design, the purpose of this writing is intended to remove some of the mystique surrounding the subject. Black holes are found at the core of nearly every spiral galaxy ever discovered. They are close relatives of the ultra-powerful quasar, and have been the focal point of relativistic and quantum theorist for decades. Now it is immediate focus of this essay. Theoretically, more dimensions constitute a black hole than any other area of space. This is due to the culmination, or fulfillment, of all DDM and Quantum Gravitational forces. This is where space has a value of zero, energy is at infinity, time ceases to exist (due to space), and all events happen simultaneously. It is the infinite zero. TIME AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT Everything that is to happen has happened already, so to speak. The only reason that the universe has not come to an end yet is due the constant of light and the inability for events to transpire or manifest themselves faster than the speed of light. This means that if it were possible for regular energy to manifest at an infinite speed, when the universe was born, it wouldve immediately diedall reactions that is occurring wouldve occurred and everything wouldve been finished. Luckily for us, this is not so. When dealing with physical matter, a serious paradox emerges when trying to attain speeds faster than that of light. It is that mass increases as speed increases, and because of that, the energy required to push the object even fast is increased. This pattern continues until the zero point when speed reaches 300.000m/s, mass becomes infinite, and therefore, energy becomes infinite as well. TANDEM INFINITIES One conclusion attained from this paper is the theory that there are two universes running in tandem, one with an infinite amount of energy, and another with zero energy and we are stuck in a precarious balance between the two. This would explain theories such as the big bang, or how something can come about from apparent nothingness. Whether this theory holds through or not is irrelevant. This is just an observation, which is the best one can do using the science. The hardest absolute fact to attain that is certain truth is that we as a species are not all knowing. In conclusion, I wish the best of luck to anyone willing to pursue this theory of Double Density Matter and Quantum gravitation. 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