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>12/08/2004< Eating: I just finished a huge portion of Tilapia
Listening to: My stomach complain from over-eating
Thinking about: Lots of stuff...
Wanting to say: Ugh people are so unbeleivably twisted and sick...I can't beleive I was born into this society!
Feeling: dad just gave this speech on how we wouldn't be taking a vacation back home for at least 2 years...

I'll stop apologizing for my ridiculous lazyness, after this. I AMM SOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok done. :P I've decided to work on what I feel like, when I feel like it. So now you will probably see my updates more frequently XD...I don't make sense, do I? *death*

>5/09/2004< Eating: Nothing...but recently I have been having to eat out at restaurants every night...I am feeling constantly bloated.
Listening to: Oasis, by Do As Infinity
Thinking about: Er...not much to tell you the truth. *blank stare* Oh look! I have an itch! *blank stare*
Wanting to say: You know what is so annoying? Today my brother came up to me and said there was some boy who wanted to see me I go and the boy is there along with my brother and sister's friends and they all start beggin me to come outside. They kept arguing that if I never went outside (because I never do), I wouldn't get used to the heat. And the boy is all staring at me because I am short...plurk come on I am 5 feet least I am not a midget...not really anyway *sulk*
Feeling: Itchy. And mad at that stupid fly who got in through my window. But happy that my computer is alive again! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Sorry for the huge spaces between blogs...ha! Who am I apologizing to anyway! The only person who reads them is Debbie (lol Debbie...). Anyways then sorry Debbie. I got the writing and art gallery sections I just have to put up the links. I might do that in the morning before school. Or I might not. No promises XD I am sad...

Eating: Well...I just had some rice cakes with peanut butter...
Listening to: Some awesome song by V6 that I don't know the name to...but it is still cool.
Thinking about: I hope that we get that one awesome house in indiana with the gigantic pool and hot tub...
Wanting to say: Say? I want to yell at my pitiful excuse for a school...really loudly...with several very rude words...
Feeling: Happy, and sad and angry at the same time. Don't ya hate when that happens?

I have so much homework to do tonight...I really shouldn't leave 4 week projects to the last two days, but you can't really blame me.I have absolutely no motivation to get my book report done. I am not learning anything from it, it is not benefiting anyone in any ya. I'll try not to rip it up into pieces before I get to school...So I will try to get some work done, but at 5:00 I gotta do homework....pleh.



Eating: Nothing...but I have that annoying aftertaste of hot dogs in my mouth...
Listening to: 99 red german...yay for the Telus piggies!!!!!!!! WHOOOO!
Thinking about: I really need more music...
Wanting to say: God those piggies were so freeking cute! ^_^ and what the heck does "glassen fleigen" mean?
Feeling: Optimistic...cuz the track just switched to "I can see clearly now"...and they are singing "It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day..."

Ok, so I didn't get anything done...oh well. *Wide smile*...I am sooo music is putting me in such a good mood! I love how it affects me like long as I don't download depressing stuff...I get to be...whee-ish all day! Whoah, it just changed songs I am listening to an up-beat a result I don't really know...I feel like the music...but I can't tell what that is...hehe. Oh well. Man I can talk for a long time about almost nothing. Oh hey look at that the simpsons is on...Haha! He's on fire *giggle*.



Eating: Nothing
Listening to: The annoying computer voice on SSX Tricky...and hey look the washing machine buzzer just went off...
Thinking about: Maybe I should get dressed...I think that our realtor is coming over today...
Wanting to say: Last night I was dreaming about something...but I don't remember what it was...I think it had something to do with taking a test at school, and involved someone dying...maybe my dreams are predicting my death...hehe.
Feeling: Energized...kinda

Well I just woke up...2 hours ago. It was evil...apparently my mom thought I was already she started blasting her CD downstairs in the living is kinda weird to wake up to Josh Groban singing something in a foreign language...(spanish/italian?). Anyways...after that I woke up and had some pancakes (courtesy of my sister...who says siblings are all bad?)...they were good...but we kinda ran out of eggs and so I could only have 2 pancakes. Oh hey what do you know! Today is a leap day...that's kinda fun. Whee. I will try and set up the main page today...I guess if you are reading this it worked ;)



Eating: Nothing
Listening to: Nothing
Thinking about: I hope I can remember the code for Iframes...
Wanting to say: Ok so once upon a time there really weren't 3 little pigs...and their mom didn't tell them to seek out their fortunes, because she had the sense not to send her children into the world without professional bodyguards...
Feeling: At peace with myself

Ok so I got the webpage up...whee. So far I have this section, the splash page, and the quizzes page...and ya. Soo was...better than usual. 3 reasons: I got to sleep in, I got to lounge in front of the computer all day, and nobody asked me over to their houses so I didn't have to make up an excuse to get out of it :D happy. Now I am off to edit the quiz page...*evil laughing*...