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The Summer Snids Webpage

Hello and welcome to our website. We are the Snids (We Currently consist of Phoebe A.,Emma M., and Destarte L.) You probably heard about our website through our poem book "Close Enough" I hope that you enjoyed our book. Just in case you didn't hear about our web page from our book, contact us at and we'll see what we can do about getting you a copy of our book. You could also use the email address to get a hold of one of us Sinds, By using one of our names as the subjects, Or just feel free to sign our guest book with comments or questions (with all questions some one will try to answer them as soon as possible)I hope you enjoyed the site, please come again.Be sure to come back and check for updates, and Avibality for the book.

Updates on the book: Currently our book has a binded spine, we are currently in the proccess of making "Close Enough" into a full-blown paper back, and if enough money is available, we will create hard cover copies of our book.

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