Those in pain are many
There are so many
kinds to consider:
Emotional pain,
Physical pain,
Heart-aching pain.
Mental anguish,
amongst others.
We don't know why we suffer.
We don't know why God allows it.
He has His reasons hidden from us.
We can only wonder why.
I have no answers for you.
I have no reasons to give.
Although, Jesus said the blind man
wasn't blind because of any sin.
He was blind because of a
work to be done in him.
This is my only clue,
but I know what we must do.
Prayer is the answer
to all our woes and pains.
Prayer is the answer
to everything.
Faith comes with prayer
upon the stallion's back
and can glide you into heaven
whenever the ride is done.
Some may wish their
life was over,
the suffering and the pain.
But, can your pain compare to His,
when He hung there so full of blood,
and his skin was torn apart?
Can you extend a helping hand
to some other suffering man?
Can you be thoughtful
of the other guy,
even through your life's trials?
Can God use it for His Glory
in a holy way?
If you can do these things for Him
just imagine what He'll re-pay,
while you're suffering from much pain,
Someday it will all be over.
What did all your suffering achieve?
Did it lead you to Paradise,
or take you to a lake of fire
of your own self-pity?

Dottie Fontaine

Dedicated to my friends
Phillip Housman
and William Chadsey
