Listen, Just Listen

As I sit here listening
to the "Whispers In The Wind"
Waves rolling against the sand.
Listen, just listen.
to the voice of the
spirits that speak
to your soul within the deep.
They speak of God's Majesty
and of His greatness
to have created such
Beauty for all of us.
But, as we get too busy for
the Lord in our daily chores.
We sometimes do forget to take the time
to go alone and sit by the Sea,
just to meditate on the spiritual things.
It's food for the soul when we think on Him
To thank Him for just our
and the misty air that we can breathe,
and for our eyes that
behold the beautiful Sea.
The Angels fly here but,
all we can catch is
a glimpse of their rainbow colors
when the sunlight glistens upon
the rippling waves,
crashing against the shore.
Sit upon the rocks there and
just thank God for
such a beautiful day to meditate
upon His beauty of the Sea
Just praise Him for everything!

by Dorothy F.