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Mercury: Dangers and Detox

First, I need to put a HEARTY DISCLAIMER on this...This is presented for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the sound advice of a qualified medical professional. I have provided links, doctor searches, etc. so that you can find practitioners to help you in this area.

The following was all written several years ago, before I started with my nutritionist that I am now using. I am leaving it up because it chronicles what I have been through. At some point I may decide I disagree with it so vehemently that I will take it down. In any case, please be aware that I have created an update page on it Detox Update which I hope you'll be sure to read. It didn't all turn out as magical as it sounds.

Ok, I've been wanting to write this for some time, so now I will! First, I want to say that there's quite a bit that needs to be said on this topic, and I'm not sure I'm up to it, as not only am I not an expert, but also I've been having incredible problems with my own health with increasing chemical sensitivities and EMF, etc. But here goes.

Mercury is evil. There are lots of links, but I'll save you the time. It's evil, it's toxic. If it's in you, it's harming you. You can go to google and read a ton quite easily, so I won't belabor you with links. In fact, when I was doing my own research, I bookmarked many but found that they were overkill for my needs. Mercury feeds candida. Mercury binds the thyroid. Mercury made my limbs so freezing cold and now they are quite warm (I even have sweaty feet! Not even thyroid meds did that for me!). Most of the best allergy treatments like EPD and NAET/BioSET do not work well if a person is still mercury toxic and has candida and other beasties. I have a whole page on candida.

So then I know someone's going to say "Well I know someone who detoxed and got no benefit from it". And further, the question of who even should detox. First, I've never talked with anyone who did a safe, effective mercury detox, really got it out, and then said "oh, please give it back!". But, I have talked with many people who've done this or that to detox and don't really have it out (for whatever reason) and they certainly don't feel any better. Incomplete or unsafe detox will leave you no better and may even leave you worse, much worse. So then for who should detox, I'm trying to remember if it's Huggins or Cutler, but one of them has some interesting observations. Sick people think abot their problems all the time. What to know if you're sick? Well, do you sit there and think about thyroid and such all day and are actually happy to? Healthy people have other interests and feel like doing them. Depressed people don't have those interests. Sick people have those interests but don't feel well enough to do them. (sorry, don't remember whether that was Cutler or Huggins, but it's not original to me) As for who should do it, well, I go back to Neural Therapy and the order of healing. If you read in my candida section you'll see it, but the general idea is that order is the most important thing. Do it before it's time and you'll have problems. Then, the NT can tell you if you actually need to, or if it's not the thing causing you the most problems.

Money, yes money is very real. In my personal, small opinion, I think you have to balance it, but I would rank mercury detox right up there. If you are 80, think you'll probably die in 10 years, and feel great living on Nyastatin, then great, that's your best, most expedient solution. But if you're 25 and are ruined, then obviously you need to deal with everything, one layer at a time. If money is a problem, then you still do it, one layer at a time. If you at all can, then do. If you really can't, then at least know the implications. If you know that you are mercury toxic and don't have the money to detox, then you might choose to NOT take a lot of strong anti-fungals, but rather use a good probiotics supplement like Primal Defense or Nature's Biotics to keep it in check. That way you would not cause so much resistance by killing the easy ones and leaving the hard ones. Yes, with a very good probiotics supplement, you may be able to bring a lot of your bloating, etc. from the candida into check. And yes, mercury "feeds" candida (has to do with chemistry, they "methylate" the mercury-if you are really plagued, I'll find the link). Basically you don't want to start any candida treatment (antifungals, etc.) until you have detoxed mercury. I know some people get in a pinch, but that's the general idea, and the reason is because you develop resistant bugs if you feed them while trying to kill them. In the meantime, take lots of a good brand of probiotics (good bugs). Primal Defense or Nature's Biotics. Maybe something from , though I haven't used that in a long time, so I don't know how well it works.

Now, the million dollar question "How to Detox Safely?". This is what I get all the time. Everyone here's you're detoxing and they say "how are you doing it?". Some guidelines:

1) Do NOT do it yourself. NOT NOT NOT. Basically in all my talking I have talked to NO ONE who did it themselves who is now mercury-free. Most of the people I talked with are frustrated, still trying to find the magic method, still mercury toxic, and often unsure of whether they're doing it right and if they're messing themselves up. (Sorry if you don't like that, that's just my personal opinion based on talking with people, always glad for exceptions.) I know it's good to be an empowered patient; I advocate this to the hilt, but there are some things honey where the internet just doesn't cut it, and this is one of them. There are methods and things out there that are WAY BEYOND what you're going to read about on the internet. That's why I brough my site up. Some of these really incredible doctors are so busy developing and doing all this that they're aren't even books on it! So I do NOT advocate pursuing detox by yourself, I encourage all people to find a skillful, safe practitioner who can guide them into safe, effective detox. More about that later. If you are having a hard time finding a safe practitioner, I know that's a rough situation, money can also make it very hard. I hope you can find a safe, effective option that will work for you in your situation.

2) Find a SAFE practitioner. You can try ACAM. Docs in ACAM do chelation, but this does NOT mean that they all specialize in the same things. There are various chelation drugs that are used for various problems. It is VERY important that you read extensively before jumping in and doing anything any doc says. This is the kind of stuff that can really mess you up when it's done improperly. DMPS Take that site as my word of warning. I don't agree with all their conclusions (opinions differ as to the best approach/protocol with mercury detox), but I heartily agree that many doctors (or at least too many) are doing things that are unsafe and you need to be very wary and wise about this to save your hide. Ask lots of questions. Have some clue about what safe protocol is and then make sure he is doing it. Ask him about how many "backfires" he/she has had. Ask what aspect of his detox regimen is what's keeping you safe (safeguards). Ask how he'll determine how you're clearing and when you'll know you're done. Ask how long it will take, cost (ask the desk, not the doc), and whether you should actually feel better afterward. And frankly, he better not make it sound like "Oh yeah, this will make you feel great, easy as pie", etc. Mercury detox feels terrible if you're actually pulling anything out. Mercury detox is very hard on you, see "Amalgam Illness" by Cutler. Most of his book is too hard to read, with all kinds of info, but what I thought was most beneficial was his warning that you NOT start mercury detox until you have stabilized other things and are feeling generally as well as possible (thyroid, adrenals, vitamin deficiencies, etc.). In fact, he even observes that there is the potential that a person who starts off on detox and doesn't feel well enough to begin with could even become suicidal or get locked up in the psychiatric system. Having gone through mercury detox, I heartily agree.

3) Read a lot, ask a lot of questions. Nuf said.

There are various opinions, as I said, about the best, safest ways to detox. Some people are doing hard swings and saying, "well, if dmps has caused backfires and ruined people, then I won't do dmps, I'll do...". And other people are attempting to draw conclusions based on small bits of info here or there, someone's opinion based on what they read in a book somewhere. That's really not going to get you anywhere. The point is to do things in a safe, effective manor. Here is a very basic article that Mercola wrote together with Klinghardt detox protocol.

I think one thing that happens to people who are trying to do this themselves is that they are looking for that "magic pill", that herb or supplement they can take and this will all be gone. In fact, there are some very expensive supplements that people are touting (NDF, etc.) that actually do help with mercury detox, but they are not the ONLY thing necessary. I go back to this, that I have not talked with a single person who did it themselves that has had a wonderful, complete result, including ability to then kick candida, etc. There are no miracle cures for this. In fact, shortly I will lay out for you the basic outline of my doc's regimen, but what I think you will see is that I have been on not one magic cure, but ALL the "magic cures". Each thing works on a different place, so it's all these things together that provide the end result of clearing you. Most people don't have the knowledge and time to put together a detox regimen of 20-25 supplements, which is what my doc has had me on (his protocol, I assume based on Klinghardt and others).

Now, I have the sheets from my doctor and obviously I know the supplements that he has had me on and what's on those sheets (dosing, brands, etc.). I am very reluctant to simply scan this in and add it to my site because I consider this to be part of my doctor's intellectual property. So I'm not going to list all the supplements one by one and tell you what he does. (Besides the fact that the practitioner you find may like to do things differently.) But what I think will be helpful to people is to see the categories of things that the supplements fall into. This should explain detox better.

1) Green stuff--chlorella, porphyra-zyme, various supplements that contain cruciferous veges, cilantro, algae, etc.-Some of these things are particularly allergenic, hence the need for testing to determine which are appropriate and also rotation so you don't become sensitive to them.

2) Sulfur containing stuff--Garlic, sulfur, MSM, etc.-Some people do not tolerate this if they have problems with sulfur metabolism.

3) bulking/cleansing agents--colon cleanse, fiber, etc.-This is important cuz it keeps stuff moving out. You should be having 1-3 shot BM's per day.

4) trace minerals--Mercury and other heavy metals fill vitamin/mineral receptor sites in the body, so in order for the body to detox properly, the proper minerals need to be coming in to fill those spots. This is also why it's important to deal with basic stabilization of thyroid, adrenals, and vitamin/mineral deficiencies, because if you have not done that, it will hamper your body's ability to detox properly.

5) weird detox supplements--sorry for the unfortunate name, but that's all I can think to call them, as they are flat weird. I think they are various kinds of amino acids, betaine HCL, etc. Once again, the more well-rounded the detox supplement regimen, the more you will be attacking it from all angles.

6) DMPS, etc. IV's--opinions vary on the best way to do this. I will say that this is what my doctor is doing and it has been find for me, though with porphyria, etc. (which I discuss below) it may not be the best or even a safe option. That's what you talk over with the doc. Other drugs do exist. You need to talk this over with your doc about why he is suggesting what he is, what it's advantages and dangers are, etc. Also, you might find it interesting to note that because of my doc's NT background, he puts other things in the IV as well (including procaine, C, alpha lipoic acid and glutathionine, and DMSO). Opinions vary on frequency and dosing as well. Just for perspective, my doc does it 1/month. I don't know how much he puts in as I never asked. I've heard of other docs doing it more frequently. Presumably they are using smaller doses. I would definitely ask. In my experience, DMPS is VERY STRONG and pulls out quite a bit, such that it usually took me ~3 weeks to recover. Experiences will vary, but that was mine. I can't imagine doing it every week personally. Also it's very important to take extra probiotics around the DMPS, because it pulls out a lot of mercury and is such a feast for them, that you could get very overgrown.

Also I think it is noteworthy to mention how my doctor determines which supplements to use. My doc does a form of muscle-testing called "Neural Therapy". There is info about this on Mercola's site if you do a search and also at Neural The NT is really fascinating as he can use it to determine all manner of problems, test for sensitivities and weaknesses, determine which things will help it, etc. It's really quite complex. Also note that there are several stages of the courses, so obviously the more a practitioner has studied it, the more skillful he will be able to be (advanced, etc.). My doc uses the NT to determine which problem is your worst, then when it's the mercury, he can track where the mercury is, which supplements will help it, etc.

I think there are several cautions in order. First, it is NEVER, NEVER NEVER safe to use chelation drugs while you have mercury (or maybe any metals at all?) in your mouth. Please do not do it. Run from a practitioner who suggests this, as he is very dangerous. Next, there is a whole category of problems called PORPHYRIA that I don't know much about except to say that it exists, is very common in people with our afflictions, and needs to be considered. It is something you should research and also ask your doctor about, as it can affect what detox protocol will be safest for you.

Here are some links on porphyria: Porphyria, the Unknown Disease and Porphyria, a Patient's Guide.

This might seem like such a small thing, but mercury detox really depletes your B-vitamins and fatty acids. I had found a good link that clued me into this and have lost it. If I ever find it, I'll put it here! Anyway, while I have been doing my mercury detox, I have had to increase my fatty acid intake considerably to alleviate some of the strange symptoms I've gotten. At one point my hands were covered in a weird, camel skin scaley stuff so bad I wondered if it was ezcema or psoriasis! Turns out it was fatty acid deficiency due to the depletion by the mercury. I went from my doc's recommended 2 capsules fish oil per day up to 6, and that corrected it. Also, I had symptoms of brain problems, fatigue, malaise, etc. that were b-vitamin deficiency and corrected very quickly by getting onto a good B-vitamin supplement (with significant amounts, not the dinky stuff in daily multi's).

Now the most fascinating thing has been that even though my mercury has cleared all the way down to my toes, we're STILL not done! Let me back up. See, with the NT (muscle-testing) he could tell that my mercury was clearing from my head down, which apparently is typical. By the time it got to my legs, I could actually FEEL where it was because my legs would be warm above (where the mercury had cleared) by freezing cold below. I don't lie. My legs (especially the thighs) used to be so cold you could have cut them with a knife! Now they are nice and warm. I don't mean to be gross, but you get my point. Same for the feet. When the mercury cleared, they became warm.

Now before I tell about the homeopathics, two more things. First, it's very common for the legs to take longer (maybe cuz of all that bone? I don't know). In any case, I cleared down to my legs in 3 IV's (3-4 months), but it took 4 IV's just to do my legs. It was mind boggling to me. My toes in particular seemed to take forever. I was sure we were on the right track because I could feel them getting warm. In fact it was not an escalator, but a Michael Jordan jump. A section next in line would be freezing, and then approx. 1 week after a DMPS IV, bam, it would go warm. Just like that! Wow. But it took FOREVER on my toes. My husband was ready to just say leave it! :)

Second my doctor did something interesting each time I came in which was to test me against "tone tapes". At least that's what I call them. It has to do with vibrational medicine (there's a book by a similar title) and I don't know anything more except that it "sensitizes" your body to the mercury so it will feel it more and kick it out better. Now note I did not say DE-sensitize. Desensitize is not what you want. I know some people have had NAET practitioners do this to them, and I'm not sure it's the best. See, if you desensitize to it, then how is your body going to "feel" it in order to get rid of it? It's not. So now you know, be careful even with docs who look like they know something! You should never (in my small, inadequately educated opinion) allow a doctor to desensitize you to something that is TOXIC that you want to get rid of. And that leads into a larger discussion which should one day appear on the MCS page, which is desensitizing to things that are toxic like chemicals. Viewpoints vary on this. Just be careful!

Back to my last drops. So by the time you've done the bulk of the removal, then what's left, the itsy bitsy drops! Haha. So previously all this time my doc had been testing me with actual mercury, doing the NT (muscle-testing) to track it's clearance (your arm with go weak if it's a problem for you at the place where he puts it). So now that the bulk is out, he whips out all these vials of HOMEOPATHIC levels of the metals. Fun. Now I asked him if there's a book on this, and he laughed and said there's not. That's what I was telling you about, that not everything you need to know is on the web. Sorry. But that's why I'm putting this here.

So he tested with the various doses of the homeopathic levels of the metals, found one in particular that was the one I tested weak too, and that one he made a homeopathic preparation for (discussion of which is beyond the scope of my site, do a search if you're curious). Then he used the NT (muscle-testing) to determine the correct dosing and how many days I was to take it. That got weird. Sorry, but some of this stuff is weird. I know people who do a lot weirder stuff (talking to crystals to get answers from their body, etc.). And some of it is definitely not appropriate.

I understand that many people, particularly people of faith, may be very uncomfortable with this. I will digress and say a couple things. First, it is true that not all of this is good, some is coming from very wrong philosophies, some probably actually goes too far and is into the realm of New Age/demonic. But I will then say this. "All truth is God's truth." So here me plain. If it's true, if he's not conjuring up demons, then no matter what it is and no matter how weird it is, God made it that way and we can accept that. Some things are just beyond what we understand. So I know it's all weird, and I'm happy for you if you don't feel comfortable with it, but some of this (not all but certainly some) is actually grasping a bit of created truth, is very helpful, and is ok. It's not conjuring up demons. It's just that we don't understand how it works.

Back to the homeopathics. I have talked with people (at least one person, maybe more) who are doing various homeopathic products for mercury. I'd like to point out some differences. First, the homeopathics are done after the bulk has been removed (they are for homeopathic levels, not large). Next, a boughten homeopathic supplement makes no differentiation of the level of the remedy needed. The product my doctor made for me was the level my body indicated it needed. He said that the levels then correspond to various locations in the body, in my case "intercellular". Obviously you don't get that distinction if you buy something. Next, I've never heard of anyone doing it on their own who then tested for dose strength, amounts, and how many days to take it. I know it's weird, but he did that.

Now I was horrified to realize that he had come up with 81 days for this first round of homeopathic drops, but in fact there could be more!! Once we finish this, then obviously he'll have to test the rest of the vials to see if I've cleared at those levels or if I need to do those also. Fun. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Do you feel better? No. Sorry, but mercury detox is only a means to an end; it is not the end. Some people will feel better after a thorough, complete mercury detox, but others will not. The primary reason for this is "unmasking", ie. that you have unmasked more problems that were underneath. When you have many problems piled one on top of another, you can't feel the ones underneath. Then when you take something off (like peeling an onion) you find more underneath and seem worse. You're not worse; you're unmasking. And those onions make you cry! In my case I have found all manner of sensitivities including chemicals, EMF, etc. Fun. Also note that experiences vary. Some people do feel better with getting the mercury out. Some people feel better quickly, some not until it's all out. Some people do it and find that although they get no initial symptomatic improvement, it removes the barrier to them dealing wth the things like candida, etc. that are causing their symptoms. For many people, mercury detox is going to be vital in getting well.

How much does it cost? Depends. Just as an example, my detox supplements have been running $250-300 per month plus ~$150-180 for an office visit and DMPS IV every month. This is definitely something you need to ask about. Once you start you don't stop until it's done. You're cost could be significantly more or significantly less depending on your doctor, how he discounts supplements, and your own situation.

How long does it take? That depends. The more mercury you start off with, the longer it's going to take. Not everyone who does this gets it all the way out. Some people detox more easily, readily than others. Patient compliance (taking your supplements) is another issue. Some people cannot tolerate all the supplements due to food allergies, porphyria, etc. and hence will go slower because they aren't able to do the full program. Just for an example, I started off with 5 VERY small amaglams and just a typical amount from vaccines, fish, etc. The bulk was out in ~7-8 months, and now I am doing the homeopathic levels which I anticipate at least 3 months obviously with my current round, maybe more if I test as needing more levels. A detox of 1 1/2-2 years is very typical for most people.

What kind of doctor does this? Look for doctors in ACAM. Some of them are better than others. I personally like my doc who is in ACAM and also does Neural Therapy as I feel it improves his detox regimen.

What kind of dentist do I need? You want a dentist who is "mercury-free" and is in the IAOMT or on the list from DAMS. There may be other orgs I don't know of. IAOMT can give you referrals if you call them at (407) 298-2450.

Can I just use my regular dentist? No, please don't. If he puts mercury in, then he doesn't believe in it's dangers enough to be trusted to take it out safely, and that's the honest truth. There are extensive protocol for safe amalgam removal, and a regular dentist has not been trained and probably won't do it.

What kind of materials should replace my mercury amalgams? There are various composite materials. The key is no metal. Sometimes metals are put in composites to make them "radiographic" (show up on x-rays). You don't want this. Flouride, barium, aluminum, it's all bad. When in doubt, they should be able to pull an MSDS (Materials Safety Data Sheet) and show you. This is one time the law and OSHA are actually helpful to us, so take advantage of it, find out what's in the stuff that's going in your mouth.

I've heard of various kinds? How do I know what is best for me? There are various ways to choose the material: EAV/EDS (computer with a bar that measures your body's response), Clifford blood tests, or muscle-testing. For non-sick people, no testing is necessary and a dentist will just use a safe, generally well-accepted material. For the sick and sensitive (which you are or you wouldn't be reading this!), there should be some testing to determine which material you use. My dentist did muscle-testing right in the office, which had the virtue of being free and provided exactly the information we needed. I have bad vibes about EAV/EDS (ha, bad vibes, on the vibe machine!). (If you didn't get that, don't worry.) Some people have gotten back questionable results with the EAV/EDS, but if you like it and want to pay the money, go for it. My doctor studied with the man who invented it and basically says that many practitioners are "stretching what it can legitimately do". Take that for what it's worth. Clifford blood labs cost ~$250 and come back with a huge list of all the materials that according to their blood results will work for you. I've heard one person comment that the large amount of options was actually too much because then you couldn't narrow it down. So it seems like a person ought to just talk with their prospective dentist and see what he prefers or suggests.

Well, have fun reading. If anyone has more questions, feel free to E-Mail Me!. Note that I am NOT NOT NOT a doctor, not any form of medical practitioner at all, have no medical qualifications, and am merely presenting this for informational purposes, to help people as they research. Act on it at your own risk! (sorry, but I have to say that) Also, please don't send me hate letters about how you think what I've said is horrible or you know a "better" way, etc. etc. I've read a ton just like you've read a ton. People have different opinions and I'm very happy if whatever you do works. I'm writing down what I've learned because it works. If you want to say something different, feel free to get yourself a site and have at it!

Cordially, Elizabeth