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The Search for Health

This is my story of my quest for health. I have put these things down here so that you can read them as I would have told you in person talking. I am NOT a doctor, not a nurse, not any sort of health professional (or even lay) whatsoever. Having no medical qualifications, I offer no medical advice. I am merely telling you what I have been through and what has worked (or is in the process of working) for me. (Except for the Bipolar which is someone near to me.) I encourage each person to find a qualified, competent, experienced professional to guide them in their own Search for Health.

Click here to read an update on my progress with my Nutritionist!!!

Articles on Important Topics

Doctor Finding Tips

About me-Now Here! :)


Air Purifiers


Bipolar Disorder

Books on Various Topics


Cleaning and Personal Care Products



EMF Sensitivity

Healthy House Building

Female Hormones



Maca (Macca) for low adrenals


MCS=Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Mercury: Dentalwork, Vaccines, Detox

***Update on my mercury detox*** Please Read

NST-treatment for pain

Mattresses and Futons


Pregnancy and Hypothyroidism

There are so many wonderful websites, too many to list, and plenty of informational lists, so I won't try to do that. Here are my personal favorites:

Mercola-A GREAT place to search for info on health issues

Naviscope-a free utility you can download that will keep the adds and banners from popping up on you, it's great!

Find a Nouthetic Counselor to help with personal problems Fly Lady help you have a cleaner house! If you don't take care of yourself, who will!

Come to my Doctor Finding Tips

My favorite search engine...


Site last updated 2/12/04.

Email me!