
Superman aint got nothin on my dad.
So what if he can fly
and crush the evil of the land,
and has x-ray vision,
and can lift a car with one hand.
But does he have a whole family to raise?
If so, is he there for them,
when they need to be saved?
Does me work numerous jobs to take care of us?
Does he drive us to school,
when we miss the bus?

Does he cook and clean,
when mom is too tired from work?
I think not!
My dad is like an air conditioner,
when it gets hot.
He cools me down, he calms my nerves.
He is like medicine when I have germs.

Where is superman when times get hard?
Where is superman when I need a job?
Where is superman when I need support?
Where is superman when I’m being a bad sport?

Wow, that’s funny...
He is nowhere to be found.
There’s a new hero in town!