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My poems!!**

heyy!! heres some of my cheesy poems that i write when i'm sad, mad or just plain ole' upset..or even happy..i entered these in a contest..and they are now published in the US and the well here they are!!


friends forever we will be,

it's plain to see,

we will always have each other to talk to,

even when we don't want to,

we're always there for each other,

you're like no other,

through the good and the bad,

the thick and the thin,

we will always win,

since you are my best...


The Kiss

that kiss i will always miss,

i couldn't resist,

it was so great,

was it fate?

I will love him so,

untill we grow old,

my love for him will never die,

he will always be beside me,

all because...

that first kiss


why do i cry over him,

why do i want to die over him?

I sit and talk to him

but his future looks so dim,

So why do i want to be with him?

I cant believe i have fallen for him

GOsh why am i so stupid

should i blame it on cupid?

He treats us wrong

why can't life be like a love song

and have a happy ever after ending?

he makes me cry

every time he does this to me,

Was it meant to be ?

why do i cry over him?

I Love Him But What Am I So Afraid Of??

i love that boy,

but what am i so afraid of?

is it i might get made fun of?

no, thats not it,

its' that i don't know if he loves me back,

should i ask,

it's a simple task,

but will it change everything?

the way he acts,looks,talks around me?

was it meant to be?

i love that boy,

but what am i so afraid of??


love is so great,

it's like it was fate!

me & him,

forevr love will last,

just like the doves that flew past,

we sit and we talk for hours and hours,

we love each other,

as we talk,

as we walk through life,

our future will be great,

just like our first date,

OH... isn't love great?

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