Worlds Of Wonder

"Worlds Of Wonder"

If the wonders of the universe
and the marvels of this world

Could unite in the eyes of a child
could it be seen within the heart of a man

Can this world in which we pretend to know
know the mysteries which phathom deep within our minds

It is beyond our knowledge to know nothing
and beyond our reach to grasp forever

Within that there can never be to answer
the question of tomorrow or never

For surely to answer that question would
mean the entire existense of the stars and the universe

And the possibilities of one man becomes open
as open as to be at sea with no land in sight

How he decides to travel will come from his own invention
not be told by the many as to which way to go

And the eyes of that child begin to open
into this world it peers through obscured eyes

To which way the child cannot tell why
his eternity begins with his first breath