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Will of Hugh Pilkington of Anglezarke 1596

Translation by Karen Frazer 2005.

In the Name of God Amen the two & Twentythe daie of Julie 1595, I Hughe Pylkington of Andlezarghe within the countie of Lancaster husbandman being syke and feeble in by Bodye [but of good mind - wasn't included but was in the will] And my comfort [I can't sort out where this fits but also missing from the transcript was, Firstly, I ..... my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker ...... and there was other wording missing as it continues with] debts which are oweinge unto mee Imprimis Mr. Thomas Wynnington within the countie of Chester iii li whereof xxxs xs? to be paid
att the ffeast of the puryfication of Marie the Virgine next after the date hereof And other xxxs Reversion of the said iii li xs to bee paid att mine? after the date hereof Item ould Mrs. Pylkington of Ryvington vis.iiiid Item Oliver Bullehoughe? of Anderton xvis Item Oliver Pylkington of Heathe Charnocke x li.vis.viiid Item James Lyckas of the same Town viis Itm Ciceselie late wyffe of Richard Schoulecrofte vs Itm Robert Bullhaughe of this town xxxs Itm Roger Anderton axxvis.viiid to bee paid att ? owers next Itm John Anderton soone of the said Roger xxs Itm James Bullhaughe of Ryvington xviis Itm Eline Bullhaughe of Ryvington xxs Itm the said Eline Bullhaughe mor viis.xd Itm Lawrence ffinche of Ryvington xiiis to bee paid
att Newton? ffaire? next coming Itm Anthonie Sime xviiid Itm ux Robert Worsleye of Ryvington xiiid Itm John Hodgkinson of Ryvington viiis vid Itm George Bullhaughe of Ryvington iis.vid Itm John Sharples of Tonge xxs Itm Thomas Tonge of Ryvington xiid Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Hughe Sime of Downham xiid which he oweth mee Itm I bequeath ? wyffe of Rycard Bradlaye iis Itm I give unto the said John Sharples my brother xxs which hee oweth mee Item I bequeathe unto John Taylor on great Irne? & Mallet? my wood stuffe And my cloake Itm I give unto all the children of George Brownlowe? of Ryvington iis apeece. I give unto all the children of Richard Brownlowe of Heath Charnock iis a peece Itm I bequeath unto Roger Anderton my Irnne crowe dureinge his lyffe And after his lyffe unto his sonne John Anderton which crowe was Edmunde Brodhursts latlie deceased Itm I give unto Eline Bulhaugh? the xxviis.xd which shee oweth mee Item I give unto Thomas Brodhurst on whyt clothe dublet on graie Jerkine on graye peare of Breeches Itm I give unto Robert Deanne on selfe Blacke or sheepes collar? Jerkine on whyte dublet And on peare of Letheren Breeches. I bequeath unto the church of Ryvington iiis.iiiid. I bequeath unto Oliver Taylor by best dublet and my best hate I bequeath unto the wyffe of Richard Wood in Ryvington xiid Itm thirteen sheepe meane between Thomas Bullhaughe And my self And the one halfe of the said xiii sheepe mean allso between mee and my sister Elizabeth And I give my portion thereof unto my said sister Item ten sheepe att the said Thomas Bullhaughe his house and my portion thereof I give to my sister Itm the ffourth parte of mean sheepe I give unto my syster Itm ffyfteen sheepe meane between James Bullhaughe and mee and my parte whereof ffoureteen Remain I bequeathe equallie Between Robert Bullhaughe and Margaret Bullhaughe son and daughter of the said James Bullhaughe and xiid to be equally devided Between them Nowe the Residue of my portion and parte of the said xiiii sheepe beeinge meane between my syster And mee my portion thereof I give to my system Itm all the Rest of my goods I bequeath to my sister Elizabethe I appointe Rychard Brownlowe of Heathe Charnocke and Elizabethe Pylkington my sister my Executors I desyre John Abbot, Oliver Taylor and Thomas Hundlye to bee wyttnesses.

John Abbot his mark
Oliver Taylor his mark
Thomas Hyndlye

The true Inventorie of all the goods whiche Hughe Pylkington late of Andlezarghe within the countie of Lancaster husbandman deceased of the 27th
Julie 1596 Supervisors Richard Kyrshawe, James Bullhaughe, Thomas Haughton, Oliver Taylore. Sum Total £25.16s.7d

Probate 7 August 1596 of Hugh Pilkington of Anglezarke p Bolton

Copyright Paul Lacey, Bolton, England, 2005 all rights reserved.