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Thee Almighty Hip Hop Emcee...

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Thank you for visiting REN's page at RENERs' Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! RENER is apart of the N.A.F. & J.P.L. associations of the American States United to form the now known Hip Hop Organization Staff of; U.S.C.!!! KING RENER represents other KINGS known as: LIL RAY, SHIR, ZEL, OPER, SHARM, HYST, PHENIK, BOZAK, RIP, K-SAR, HAEWIRE, EMERGE, KEMO, ROOKS, HOKES, RISK, SON DOG, BIG A, FUSE, TURTLE, MAD, DREADER, WORLD, PHAME, WHISKY, AMAZE, DRU, DRE, NICK, MONDO, MIKE, CHRIS & THE REST OF THE N.A.F., J.P.L. & U.S. CREW.... In Memory Of Our Homies R.I.P. HAEWIRE & RUDY
