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Greetings To All


Welcome To My Poetry Website

~Poetry From My Heart~


Poetry is a moment of intimate contact and it is what I use to put my feelings into words.  I find poetry a good way for me to express my feelings and emotions about myself and. sometimes that is the only way I can express myself.   All of my poetry reflects my heart, love, passion and hope, as well as some specific events in my life.  My own life is not so very different than your very own; for don't we all want love, to be loved, and to love?


I think there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can ever come to somewhat close to the magnificence of the words of poetry.

 I hope you enjoy reading the poetry that appears on the following pages

Any comments or reactions you have to my writing are welcome.






My Little Thoughts

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale…

Why do we all want to fall in love…? It is because that kind of experience makes us feel completely alive. When I fall in love, the magic is there and I feel united with the whole world, surrounded by magical love. My vision of the world is very different when I’m touched by love... it gives me a new vision, a new way of seeing…anything is possible; the sky has no limits. The love may only last a moment, an hour, an evening or probably a day but that doesn't diminish its value. Because I am left with memories that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life…

We all look at love differently and don’t we all have our descriptions of love and what love really entailed?  Love is something to be cherished, not simply as a whole, but moment by moment and it has a way of making dreamers of us all…


Do you need to look for love to find it? Or is it possible that love might just coming looking for you?  Love isn't always easy to find… Being in love can be wonderful but love isn't always certain. We all believe, if only because we must, that love can be found. Some of us, maybe most of us, have discovered it can also be lost.  Though we don't want to admit it to ourselves, love has two sides. 
Falling in love and falling out of love…Maybe I have forgotten that when I let myself fall in love, I also let myself vulnerable feeling the pain of falling out.
Losing love is always painful and hard, and seemingly doesn't get any easier with more experience… There are many questions left unanswered, love left unexpressed, promises left unfulfilled. Why do we have to meet only to lose in the end?  Why does love hurt so much, when it's supposed to be such a good thing? Why do we dwell on the past, when the future is what matters? If falling out of love is so hard to do,
then why do we still have to fall in love in the first place? I guess it is because we have that one smidge of hope, that one bit of faith in true love and that we can be happy.

We continue to love in spite of the pain, the tears and the heartbreak… maybe because pain made us stronger, tears made us braver and heartbreak made us wiser. Love cannot be forgotten... no matter how hard we try…and how much we think it'll ease the will always be there...forever. Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reasons for coming and going.    Hopefully at least once in your life, the gift of love will come to you and you will take hold of it and celebrate it in all inexpressible beauty. This is the dream we all share…


A friend of mine gave me a great piece of advice. He said, 'As difficult as it may be, every time you love, love like it's the first time. Love like you've never been hurt”. I don't understand love, and can't understand love, because it's a different thing for each of us.  Well….love always has been and always will be a mystery.
Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life…