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Okay, so we went to Greenville and had a lot of fun. Tabatha had a little "activity" going on on the bud ride, lets just put it that way. The bus was really cool. It was like a Greyhound bus sort of. It was so cool at our cabins! We found four mice and I had to get the out of the cabin my self! Their was even a heater! I didn't expect that!Um... oh ya! The girls cabin connected to the boys cabin #2 and Alex kept on tring to get into our cabin. Eric, Kyle, John Steph, and Grant all stayed in boys cabin #2 which was a counselor cabin. Lucky jerks. Oh well. Today is the start of Thanksgiving break and I didn't go to school today, even though we only had 3 and 1/2 hours of school because my mom says its pointless to just go to school for like 3 hours when you can have those 3 whole hours to your self! What a waste of time. Those poor suckers. Oh well. I say Oh well a lot don't I? I'm self-consious I guess, or maybe its just a reflex. My new favorite color is pink! he he he! My sis is here for Thanksgiving break. AND WILL SOMEONE CALL ME SO THAT WE CAN GO TO LASER QUEST! I'm very bored. Will someone call me so that we can go to Laser Quest please? Thank you! PEACE!

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