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GSW 2003


Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle
Everything I do is stiched with its color"

-W.S. Merwin

Hello fellow chickens/revolutionaries/crew members! I took four rolls of film but it was often very difficult to capture the antics that went on at GSW so I'm posting the best of what I have. Enjoy!
It's a dancing chocolate covered Megan!
Leandra's Area 3 class. Say "Finger Sex"!
More Cholate syrup fight aftermath. Hana looks delicious!
Your class president, Larry Moye, putting cinder blocks in front of TAC Eric Cains door.
Everyone geared up for the bitchin costume ball.
What the hell are you doing courtney? There was more than laxative in that lemonaide, apparently.
The Eva! Looking fierce, as always..
Cheers! The revolutionaries celebrating Megan's birthday with fake alcohol!
Hannah is choking to death and Ali and Ian are laughing! Heartless bastards, you guys are!
I always did say Ian looked like a squirrell.
Onca as Ian, Ian as the Fibinaci sequence, Ali as an 80's hooker!
Lindsey,Will, Ashely, Me, Megan, Hana and Jesse laying out with clothes on!
Who's dat hooker?
It's orgy time! Ashely, Megan, Will, Lindsey Eva and Roy participate in an orgy
Chad, doing what he does best!
Chorus guys randomly break into song on last night
Strong boys pose, and I pose the wrong way. "If you live in Strong, your shlong is long!"
Taylor: May I see your name tag?
People hug after the fancy dance
Jesse, Hana, Hannah, Ian, Ali and Eva pose together on the final morning
People wash off after a grueling chocolate syrup fight
Ashley, Brandon,Eva, Megan,Hannah and Ian randomly pose
You're not White Trash Roy!

That's all folks! It was a blast!
