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The Realm Of...

Afterlife as an Angel by childdoll
Your Name
Astrological Sign
Angel TypeAngel of Inspiration
Wing ColorGold
Heavenly WeaponTrident
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

:: Dude.... I'm Sam L. Jack... that's awesome!... What about you? ::

You are
What Linkin Park/Meteora Song Are You?

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You are Tank-
You are Tank, from "The Matrix." Loyal
till the end, you spare no expense in ensuring
the well-being of others.

What Matrix Persona Are You?
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Uriel: One of the busiest angels, one of prophecy
and creativity. Concidered to be
represenatative of the sun, and one of the most
beautiful archangels ever.

Which Angel Lays Within You?
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You are Peace
You are Peace. You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
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what's YOUR deepest secret?
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My Romance Meter
Optimist 80%
20% Cynic
Close 86%
14% Distant
Long Term 82%
18% Brief
What does my romance meter read?

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:In a style so odd, it defies all laws of physics.
Clothes:Dark and sexy. With randomly placed belts. Lots and lots of belts...
Powers:Shape Shifting
Special Features:Unusual, yet natural markings
Sidekick:A small fairy that can get real annoying, real fast.
Attitude:Overprotective of those you care about.
Weapon:Wrist blades
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Kiss Me

Your Candy Heart Is "Kiss Me"

You're a romantic at heart - which is quite sweet
You fall quickly and often for many people you meet.
While you're romantic, you've been know to crawl up with a dirty book
Warning to all: You're not as innocent as you may look.

What Naughty Candy Heart Are You?
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You are HP-UX. You're still strong despite the passage of time.  Though few understand you, those who do love you deeply and appreciate you.
Which OS are You?

Someone Smart Once Said...
There's a place in time where, although we might not want to realize it, we fall head over heels in love with someone. We can choose to acknowledge it and embrace it... or duck and run.

i owe my sanity to my friends.
they may not always be there.
but they're there when i need them.

Come see... you know you want to...
