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Hey everyone, thanks for coming to my site...
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I wrote all of these poems by myself, most of them during school, but none for school.
(please don't mention any of this to an adult who could get me a psychiatrist *cough*parents*cough*
because I really don't enjoy those "Don't worry, sweetie, we love you" talks.)

here for poems 1 and 2.
Click here for poem 3.
Click here for poem 4.
Click here for poem 5.
Click here for poem 6.
Click here for my literary works page.

Goodbye friends, now I depart, Sorry small pal, but you will die.
We must become far apart. You may ask, but I will not lie.
You ask why I go so merrily,
You will be flushed,
It might be sad for you, Your screams will be hushed.
But it isn't for me. I'm sorry, little goldfish friend.

  Here is a picture of a fish similar to the one for whom the second poem was written:

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Here's another poem:
Blood, Tears
No one hears.
crying, Bleeding
My heart is on the ground.
hoping, Dreaming
dreams so swiftly fleeting.
Falling, Praying,
that all fo this would go away.
Pounding, beating
my head against the wall.
Screaming, Shouting
at problems that cannot hear.
Why is all this happening?
Does anyone hear my cry?

Finally, one with a title:

I Probably Should Have Told You

Why'd you choose to end it all?
I broke down and cried when I got the call.
If only I could have shown you,
just one more day, so that you knew
I wish I'd spent just a little more time
to Help you on that treacherous climb
through life,
through strife,
in whatever you go through --
I probably should have told you that
I loved you.

The room is spinning 'round.
I've fallen to the ground.
This pain is so well known.
Roll over.
My frustration is shown.
Rub my eyes.
The clarity does not come.
Begin to cry.
My heart is going numb.
Crawl into bed.
I wish all this could go away.
Fall asleep,
For in this world I cannot stay.

Awaken from reality
Accept the many truths of life
Cease to show partiality

Awaken from reality
get out of this mentality
This mortal earth so full of strife

Awaken from this reality
accept the many truths of life.

I know an Abominable Snowman
His face is in the halls
Avoiding bullies, his only goal
on his hands and knees he crawls.

I know an Abominable Snowman
The people laugh and jeer
His awkwardness and unseen loss
merit no reason to cheer

I know an Abominable Snowman
I thought he was alright
until that day he grabbed a knife
to slaughter in the night.

I knew an Abominable Snowman
He was a rather nice guy
under society's pressure, he snapped like a twig
Why did he have to die?

You know an Abominable Snowman.
But do you treat him right?
All humans deserve equality;
Loved the same in God's sight.

So treat all people as you would
your very own mother (or at least you should)
For by their actions they do show
The way they were treated: nicely, or no.

Click here to visit my literary works page.