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Ought I challenge once more these broken wings

For yonder horizon beckons me

Fore the fire of distant sunset wanes

Or the sparkle there upon the water fades

For in yon heavens the hand of heaven unsheathes

Sunlight, blazing bright as the gleam of a silvered sword

And with a vengeance the glory of heaven streams

Yonder through a break in the clouds

And as clouds part away, and give way to its glories

Hope has heartened my soul like a fledgling to fly

And captured my wings like some fair breeze

As they were little more than cinders in the wind

So like a breathtaking dove whose wondrously shone upon wings

Flash white amid rays of light glaring down from the heavens-

Or a skyward swept seagull whose pounding heart

beats long with the rush of his wings toward the horizon-

By way of this crimson gold sunset I so too shall venture

For God has spoken in the beauty of twilight’s sacred splendor

"Come splendid bird -wing your way!

O’er sorrowed over yesterdays and broken dreams!"

For saving grace has parted there heavens

So thine abled wings might once again fly

Thereupon tomorrow

Through a break in the clouds



Guestbook  # 1

Guestbook # 2



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