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~ A Rose In Heaven ~



When upon this earth a child is born
He is as a bud amongst the thorns
Not yet a rose but a beauty fair
Living out life under the gardener's care

There will be days of sun and days of rain
Laughter sweet and sorrow's pain
As a drop of dew slides down the velvet leaf
He will know tears of sorrow upon his cheeks

Sweet showers of Spring will nurture growth
As will the winds of Winter inevitably blow
But whether swaying in the warmth of the Summer's breeze
Or stripped bare from the depths of the Winter's freeze

A tiny bud in the gardener's hands
Will surely endure to bloom again
Touched by the spirit of one who loves
In the midst of the thorns buds the rose

Faring for a season while on this earth
Groomed and tended by the master's touch
Thankful for the chance that has been given
To bud on earth so he might bloom in Heaven


Paige Gray




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