Paige's Place   ~April's Rose~
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Aprils Rose

If ever April's rose should forget of spring

Where would the dewdrops linger for one last time

Should velvet soft petals not offer them rest

Would they make it back to heaven 

on the morning mist

Would the redbird’s song yet drift through the glen

Where white fetching daisies try and 

remember to sway

Could the splendor of the rainbow again blush the sky

Or within the misty clouds simply fade away

And were romance to bud would love unfold

If summer were to carry on without the rose

Petal by petal till it revealed the heart

Or wither little by little to drift away on the wind

And say what more perfect gift could 

a lover give save the rose

Worthy without a doubt to show his true love

Would love flourish or would the 

broken hearted fare alone

Were it not for the expression of one red rose

Would the whispering breeze through the willows still

Should he return for the love of his 

life and find her gone

Would her perfume linger just long 

enough after they’ve touched

To make certain his heart was ripped from his chest

Maybe cruel-fate would leave all to ask

Why oh Lord, has it come to this

Had heaven not heard when April gently cried

In winter’s keep when she had lost all hope

And as spring showers fell from her kissed away tears

And each droplet beaded like pearls upon the petals

And trickled down like tears

Would the world ever have known

God speaks through love

The way love speaks through the rose

paige gray






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