* No Name Awards *
Season Two of the No Name Awards

Oct 14, 2003
Whew, to say that I've been slacking is like saying the Pacific Ocean is a little damp, huh? Um, I'm sorry guys for not posting the banners up. Actually, honestly, I forgot about this site. My Aunt was in a motorcycle accident and I had been watching her kids, school started back up, everything was crazy. I'm so sorry, guys. Thanks to two of the winners, they reminded me about it. So, I come on Angelfire to upload all of the banners/awards, and what do ya know? Angelfire won't let me upload files right now for some reason. I've been trying for the past few hours. As long as Angelfire fixes the problem, they'll all be up sometimes before Friday.
I'm sorry again.

June 23rd, 2003
First off, I want to thank all the wonderful No Names. I really think I'll love you guys forever. You helped me out so much with the awards and I deeply appreciate it all. Love ya!
Second, everyone who was nominated. It was really an honor to read the stories. To laugh, to cry, to scream, to smile. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us. Your heart. Keep writing!!
The winners have been announced. At the moment, I'm still working on the awards, banners, whatever you would like to call them. I should have them up soon though. Just need some time.
Congratulations to all those who have won! Your stories were beautiful and touching. I hope to see everyone back next season with their next pieces of heart.
Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful season!

With love and cotton candy, Crazy

May 27th, 2003
I'm a day late, I know. I completely forgot that the 26th was Memorial Day so I was unable to post up the finalists. Voting has been closed BUT not for Viewers Choice. I'm leaving it open for a few more days because two of the stories happen to be at a tie right now. So go ahead and vote for Viewers Choice for a few more days. To check out the finalists, go to the nominees page. If the story is still listed, it's a finalist. Congrats to all who made it, and sorry for those who didn't. I also need more judges guys. The faster I get 'em, the faster the winners will be announced. So email me and let me know if you want to judge any categories. All right, I think that's all. Thanks guys! Love ya!

May 8th, 2003
Hello, hello. I changed the vote form because this way is just a lot easier for everyone. I added the votes I recieved from before so it's all good. Umm.. I believe that's all. Go on and vote.

May 5th, 2003
Best Howie and Most Memorable Scene were closed due to lack of nominations. I added the last batch of nominees and voting has offically begun. Ah! I also added a new sister site! The Bed Head Awards! Great awards, it really is. Check 'em out!
I might have to make the voting period a little shorter, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. So, go vote! Oh, and if you're interested in becoming a No Name (Judge), check out the No Name page.

April 28th, 2003
Hiya! I added more nominees today, woo hoo. I also closed Best Supporting Male and Best Hosting Website from lack of nominations. If I don't have at least one more nominee for each of the following by my next update, those will be closed also:
Best Howie
Best Buds
Best Death
Most Memorable Scene
All right.. we've got about 7 or so more days left. I should be updating more within a day or two. Talk to ya then.

April 21st, 2003
Hey guys, sorry I didn't update sooner but I had some family issues I had to work out this past week. I added some new nominations and I think I figured out the problem with the nomination form. If it still doesn't work for some of you, just send me an email with your nomination. I've extended nominations until May 5th. I have a lot of things I need to do as of late, and work out. I'm free on the 4th to get everything together and on the 5th to post it up. So that's what I'm going to do. I won't move it back anymore though, I promise. Remember, viewers choice does not count towards the number of nominations you can have, so go ahead and nominate for that. We've got about 15 days left, so let's wrap this baby up. Oh, I'm a day late but.. happy Backstreet 10 year anniversary everyone!

April 15th, 2003
Hey guys! We got a little over two more weeks for nominations so keep them coming! I added 29 new nominations today.

March 31st, 2003
Alright! I just added a LOAD of nominees and I fixed the nomination form. Come on and nominate guys!

March 24th ,2003
We're baaack!I would like to think that we're better then ever.Cityslide,our hosting site,decided to delete our website and charge us.Sence I'm broke..I've come to Angelfire,lol.It's a little tough because we lost all information.Including last seasons winners.So bare with me.Anyway,ladies and gents..with forty categorys,a different layout,a new domain,and still no name..(hehe),Season two.
Make sure you read the about section to see how it's all going down,and the rules also!

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