Akane Hotta:

Age: 14

    Hm. Where to start with Akane? Well, she's loud, a fighter, has a mouth of a sailor, hates dresses, and a modern-day mix of Athena and Artemis. Akane is always battling her father and thinks her mother is old-fashioned. Akane doesn't care about her brothers. Her only friends are guys. She doesn't get along with the other girls. But over time, Akane matures.

Chikao Morri:

Age: 14

    Chikao is Akane's childhood friend. He wants to be her boyfriend but Akane doesn't notice of feel the same way yet.

Gombei Hotta:

Age: 28

    Gombei is the second son of the Hotta family. He is a priest. Gombei seems to be the favorite son of his family. Akane even likes him too.

Hideo Hotta:

Age: 32

    Hideo is the oldest son of the Hotta family. He is Akane's brother. Hideo has a well-paying job, nice house, lovely faithful wife, and two beautiful daughters. Hideo visits his parents and sister on holidays.

Iwao Hotta:

Age: 51

    Iwao is Akane's father. He is in the military. Iwao and Akane fight majority of the time. His daughter sometimes wishes him dead. But Iwao doesn't care. He rules the house and knows it.

Junji Hotta:

Age: 19

    Junji is the youngest son of the Hotta family. Akane hates him. Junji acts like a big kid. He is currently in college in his sophomore year. Junji has no job and hits his parents up for money.

Miki Hasegawa:

Age: 14

    Miki is the only other girl in Akane's neighborhood. She is the complete opposite of Akane. They fight like two cats over a mouse and are bitter rivals. Miki is a complete rich girl.

Nene Hotta:

Age: 49

    Nene is Akane's mother. She is a gentle lamb. The woman is a full-time house wife. Akane doesn't like that. Nene is everything her daughter hates: harmless, defenseless, weak, gentle, sweet dependent. Akane wants to be independent. Nene has been pregnant after her daughter but she either miscarried or the babies were born stillbirth.

Yuya Hotta:

Age: 7 months

    Yuya is Akane's baby sister. She was born early and almost died. Akane feels close to her.