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Alone in the Night

Welcome, I shall be your host for this evening. You can call me Angelus Nox Noctus, or Tristan for short.
Feel free to wander the site, you have nearly full access.
I have provided sand spheres across the site to guide you back when you are ready.

A First Glance Inside : My Writings
Double Take : More Writings
Looking Deeper : My Newest Works
Looking Around : My Friends Writings
Death and Rebirth
Visions of Life
Immortality's Price
The Echo of Words
Pictures of Harmony
Jazz Court
One Last Fantasy
Burning Ice
Flaming Logo
Interesting Diversions

By the time youre done, I hope you'll have thought about things a bit.



I dwelt alone
In a world of moan,
And my soul was a stagnant tide,
Till the fair and gentle Eulalie became my blushing bride-
Till the yellow-haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.

Ah, less- less bright
The stars of the night
Than the eyes of the radiant girl!
That the vapor can make
With the moon-tints of purple and pearl,
Can vie with the modest Eulalie's most unregarded curl-
Can compare with the bright-eyed Eulalie's most humble and careless curl.

Now Doubt- now Pain
Come never again,
For her soul gives me sigh for sigh,
And all day long
Shines, bright and strong,
Astarte within the sky,
While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye-
While ever to her young Eulalie upturns her violet eye.

Edgar Allen Poe