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The Songs of the Heart

Welcome to a collection of My poetry.   Some where written during a sad time in my life, others when I found love and happiness.  Many say that they can't write poetry, but poetry is not something you write.  It is something that flows from your heart, like a river that overflows it's banks.   Once you begin the words keep coming .  Poetry is a personal thing, and even though I am sharing them with you, they are still a part of me, of who I am.  One heart speaking to another.  I do not expect you to enjoy them all or even understand them, however to the people they were written for ... Your hearts will know they were written for you!

  Beloved and princess

A tender voice from across the room
the smell of the roses when in full bloom...
His eyes met hers.. the world around did cease
the touch of their lips gave their hearts such peace...
her soft eyes did lower as he whispered her name
sweet princess... my princess .. life shan't be the same...
in my arms will I hold you, in my heart will you remain
I will guide you and love you and keep you from pain... Beloved .. it is here I wish to stay
to love you and honour you and bring laughter to each day...
with the gentle click of the lock their lives have become one
with a twinkle in his eye and a kiss on her lips he finally says...
tis done!
    Copyright ©2001 Donna-Jo Hicks

The Caress

 A feather light caress Upon a lover's breast
Their hearts and souls on fire Filled with wants and desires
Minds consumed in a sea of passion Never stopping ...everlasting 
Whispers of love Like gentle wings of a dove 
Emotions and thoughts entwine
Mine are yours Yours are mine

       Copyright ©2001 Donna-Jo Hicks

  The Auction

         she kneels...the cold against her skin
 glaring stares cold as steel touch her...
her body trembles with fear as she feels them near...
 from out of the crowd she hears His strong, so confidant...
"I give 500 coins for the one on the stand!"  
A hush follows a deafening sound fills the room...
 is she worthy? will she feel the soft caress of steel engulfing her neck?
Only time will show ... as the bidding goes on....