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Welcome to Mrs. Rugh's English II!

I must apologize for the crudity of this page; it is, and will be for a bit, under construction. There are, however, a few essentials which should help you to make the most of this English class! Here you will find the class syllabus (should you lose your copy and be interested in the precise scale of grading), the student information sheet (should you suddenly be struck with the desire to complete it again), and various class notes, homework assignments, class assignments, and other such things I think you might enjoy (or need). There is not yet associated with this website an email address, but don't despair: soon you will be able to send me all your bits of junk mail and other such things! At any rate, I do invite you to explore this page, and make use of its resources. If you have any questions or comments about it, I'd be delighted to hear them!

Period One Period Three Period Four Period Five Period Six