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My Girls

Roxy is the baby of the bunch. She is a 4 year old 45 pound Beagle & Collie Mix. She loves her Mommy, playing with her sisters, sleeping and chewing bones, pens and chapsticks. She lovable, loyal and energetic and will do anything for a treat.She is great with children and animals. Her only goal in life is to please.

Dori is the middle baby. She posess' typical middle syndrome. She is constatnly fighting for mommy's attention and the cause of all trouble in the house. She goes from lazy to active in seconds. Her best friend is her sister Roxy. They play hard and instigate one another. Dori tends to think she is a small dog sometimes. She tries to eat like one which is why the vet said her daily treats have to be cut back. Dori is always the life of the party at home.

Porche is the oldest and wisest of the bunch. She stays away from the trouble the other girls cause. She spends most of her day sleeping or sun bathing. She doesn't like to be given attention unless she's ready to have it. Her favoriate treats are the crunchy tarter kind. She's the laid back and cool cat this house needs in its moments of choas.

My Favoriate Animal Websites
Dogs Care
Dog Training Tips
Pet Place
Royal Canin

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