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My Thoughts

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My Poems

Hello and welcome to my pages of poem’s, I do hope you like them as they a little part of me and from my heart of all the feelings I have felt through my life, I have tried to write as honestly as I can, Well a little about me, Well let me see, I am 46 yrs old, my name is Barbara and live in Somerset, I am studying to become a Graphic Web Designer, as I can no longer do what I used to do, which was a Security Officer as it was discovered I suffer with Multiple Sclerosis and it has put me in a wheelchair, so I have lots of free time when not in classes to write .which is another one of my passions, now you might ask yourself who is this Lady Maggie, well its me this is the name I write under only because I love the name Maggie no other reason and all the poem I have written will have been ended like that, as there are a few poem’s on my site which I have come across while searching on the net that didn’t have a name on them and thought they where also nice so I write them on my pages as well, we enough about me, please feel free to wonder around my pages and if you have any comment drop me a line..