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the harbour

by Kevin MacNeil

Anns a’ Ghàidhlig/In English



an acarsaid

na rionnagan a’ deàrrsadh ’san uisge
na rionnagan a’ deàrrsah na mo chridhe
an Cuan Sgìth mar sgàthan dorch
’s do phòg mu dheireadh
air mo ghruaidh fhathast
balbh, fuar, fad air flabh
mar seann ghealach
a’ cuimhneachadh air acarsaid eile

the harbour

the stars shining in the water the stars shining in my heart the Minch like a dark mirror and your farewell kiss still on my cheek – dumb, cold, distant – like an old moon remembering another harbour

(the Minch is the stretch of water between the Isle of Lewis and mainland Scotland)


Original poem from Love and Zen in the Outer Hebrides © Kevin MacNeil and Canongate Books 1998




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