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We Came To Protest On Behalf Of (The Untitled)

Issue # The UnSugarCoated Issue - The Pursuit for Equality

The below zine can be found at

This love & equality discussion is meant to be:


This zine is about a place that I have independently decided to call T.U.L.I.P.. That acronym stands for "The Untitled (because Love is forgiving, and I, T.v.L.i.m.i.t. only want the reputation of this place to be positive) Independent Place".

YOu see, for the past two weeks I have spoken to T.U.L.I.P. in a "SWEET" , quiet and discreet manner about the RACISM, CLASSISM, AGEISM and lack of accessibility that is all throughout T.U.L.I.P. like the STENCH of dead bodies after a U.S.A. bombing on innocent civilians in a foriegn country. The "SWEET" talking, "SUGARCOATED" method of communication, I have just discovered proved HIGHLY unproductive. I have discovered that is EXTREMELY unproductive because several days ago a caucasion volunteer member of T.U.L.I.P. gives me a hand size flyer that says that on April 5th T.U.L.I.P. is going to "celebrate" the new changes and renovations at the IPRC with an Open House. "CELEBRATE"??? They are ACTUALLY going to "CELEBRATE" the same changes and renovations which I've been telling them for the past two weeks (in a "sweet" way are descriminating against minorities, the elderly, the disabled and members of EXTREMELY limited income social classes who shouldn't have to have be CRAMPED in the workshop like government GHETTOS while all the UPPERCLASS "young urban professional" T.U.L.I.P. MEMBERS have luxurious spaciousness (AND (A BRAND NEW ART GALLERY!!) in the other rooms of the IPRC!

It is time I STOPPED sugar coating my words. The first UN-SUGAR-COATED THING THAT I want to ask is a simple question that has been on my mind for a VERY LONG TIME:

Before you ask yourself "is T.U.L.I.P. racist?" ask yourself this:


Here's another question:


Here's another question:

(Keep in mind that T.U.L.I.P. has been open over 4 years and is located within ONE MILE OF OLD CHINA TOWN, a city that has a large enough Asian population that it has a FREE ASIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY newspaper that offers free-of-charge event advertisement)


One More Question:

((Keep in mind that T.U.L.I.P. is located in the U.S.A. and the NEW york times front page reported that Latino Americans are NOW the second, after caucasion people, most populous race in America. Keep in mind that there are enough Latino's here in Portland, Oregon that we have a FREE WEEKLY LATINO Bilingual Newspaper with a circulation of OVER 60,000 and it too offers free-of-charge event advertisement)


Ironically, this is also meant to be an invitation to ALL people, of all races, of all social classes, and of all disabilities to attend the free-of-charge OPEN HOUSE at T.U.L.I.P. on Sat, April 5th, 2003. 917 SW Oak Street #218, Portland, Oregon 97205 Phone / Fax: 503.827.0249. The only way that we can unite ALL members of the community and encourage people to lift up their independent voices is by encouraging people to utilize the services at T.U.L.I.P.. I am not a volunteer nor staff of T.U.L.I.P., nor am I being paid to encourage people to attend the Open House. I am a minority with multiple severe disabilities who is DEFINITELY part of one of the poorest social classes in the U.S.A. and I can CLEARLY see that if the population of T.U.L.I.P. does not QUICKLY diversify it will become an UNQUESTIONABLY racist, ageist, classist organizations like so many others organizations which NO LONGER CARES about the lack-of-accessibilty problems which it has created. And because T.U.L.I.P. has resources which are KEY to uniting the community in an affordable manner, this will be a GREAT loss to everyone.

Racism, Classism, Ageism and lack of Accessibility in T.U.L.I.P.. A discussion.

This is a discussion on true, 100% non-fiction information.

This is an informal request by T.v.L.i.m.i.t. BNB that a discussion of some sort be engaged in regarding these issues.

T.U.L.I.P. is an non-profit organization that allows people to come to their office and use the supplies that they have to make an independent publication. T.U.L.I.P. has everything from computers, a scanner, a printer, photocopier, print press, cutting tools and much, much more. People can either pay $5.00 per hour to use these services or a yearly sliding scale membership fee of $40.00 to $100.00. Many people use T.U.L.I.P. to make their "independent made magazine", which is also known as a "zine". What you are reading now is a zine, part of which i, a member of T.U.L.I.P., typed up on T.U.L.I.P. computers. A primary goal of this zine is to promote the discussion of these issues , on a worldwide basis, so that resource centers such as T.U.L.I.P. can THRIVE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD BY UNITING THE COMMUNITY AND PROMOTE LOVE, UNITY, PEACE, INDEPENDENT PRESS AND FREEDOM WORLDWIDE, instead of going bankrupt because they failed to LISTEN & BE CONSIDERATE to its limited-income social class patrons and because they failed to reach out to ALL members of the community. I love the services offered by places such as T.U.L.I.P. and I want to see places like T.U.L.I.P. be created, GROW & PROSPER all over the country and the world so that people can create independent press and unite the community with freedom, with peace and with love.

Cost: Hopefully Free. Hopefully Everyone Will Be Invited.

I am formally T.U.L.I.P. to have a discussion regarding equality in T.U.L.I.P.. As anyone who is acquainted with me can visibly see, I have severe multiple disabilities and I cannot attend the meeting because this all is just too stress-fuLLLLLLL for me. Sorry. too much stress. No joke. These type of issues speeds up my heart rate and causes me to have trouble sleeping at night. i don't want someone hating my guts because they think i insulted them.

[[[On Scooby doo cartoons (yes, I'm using Scooby doo cartoons as an intellectual reference material) cartoons, i saw the hundreds of Hatfields family members hate the McCoy family members, for generations and generations simply because of one or two simple words that one person said about someone else a hundred years ago. As a child who didn't know better, i laughed and thought it was so funny and hilarious to see them shoot at each other JUST AT THE SIGHT OF EACH because of those few words. I stopped laughing later as an adult when i read an article that interviewed THE REAL LIFE HATFIELD AND THE MCCOYS that actually live in the Appalachians and some of them ACTUALLY, STILL hate the other people to the point where they shoot at each other on sight. i don't want any enemies because of this zine. i wanna' be stress-free. i love you all.

Because of the sensitive nature of the issues spoken I'm hoping that people please do not take photographs of anyone who attends unless you ask each person's permission. This needs to be stated because there have been day after day occurrences of members of T.U.L.I.P. who take photographs of people without asking their permission. T.U.L.I.P. does not have a privacy policy on photographers. For independent publishers and zine authors who desire to be local celebrities, a privacy policy is not necessary, and there is no need to enforce even basic photographic courtesy. BUT Zine authors who are corporate and political activists, protestors, corrupt-corporation whistle blowers, sexual assault victims, child abuse victims in hiding, domestic violence survivors, political refugees and much, much more are subject to the camera toting, "no harm intended" whim of photographers who do not ask anyone's permission despite the life and death risks that it may impose on others... ...who utilize a place where outspoken "independent press" (underground authors? NOT with 'whim' photographers nearby) authors frequent.

0ptimistically speaking... ...there is not a problem with Racism, Classism, and lack-of-accessibility in T.U.L.I.P.. ALL the staff and members of T.U.L.I.P. have always, without exception, spoken to me, a minority with severe multiple disabilities on an extremely limited income, in a polite and courteous manner. I have never seen the staff, volunteers, members or visitors of T.U.L.I.P. speak to anyone in an intentionally discourteous manner.

Before I begin this, i want to thank the founders of T.U.L.I.P., and the rest of administration of the T.U.L.I.P. for letting me post this within T.U.L.I.P. and allowing this discussion to take place. Unquestionably, this is an extremely admirable gesture on their part and it proves that they sincerely want to diversify T.U.L.I.P. and increase the accessibility to all people.

On the front cover of a recent issue of The Asian Reporter, Margaret Cho, (internationally famous for her many achievements but also famous because she was the victim of BLATANT NETWORK TELEVISION INDUSTRY RACISM) perfectly said. " I think that to live as a person of color in America - or a minority in America - is to die of a thousand paper cuts. The things that add up every day, the semantics, thee underlying meaning of words.." I mention this because typically, minorities, disabled people, and elderly people don't like to speak up about inequalities throughout our society because they know they will receive the often encountered, world's most common "politically correct" pro-discrimination 6 word phrase of "maybe you'd be happier somewhere else". The world's most racist, sexist, classist, ableist, ageist people use that 6 word phrase ALL THE TIME. But the founders and all of T.U.L.I.P. embraced the opportunity to speak about these issues with an open mind and an open heart.

With that said, the reason i requested a meeting is ONLY because we are NOW living in our country as its highest elected leader BLATANTLY ignores the UNITED NATION'S anti-despot rules set in place to stop vigilante countries like ours from killing innocent people. The reason i called this meeting is ONLY because we are NOW living in our country as it BLATANTLY ignores the UNITED requests of its PRO-PEACE residents who ask the President "please don't kill the children of Iraq". The reason i called this meeting is ONLY because we are NOW living in POST-Measure 28 (Budget Cuts) Portland, Oregon as it ignores the UNITED requests and pleas of its most vulnerable disabled and elderly population asking "please don't make these budget cuts that will make me homeless". The reason i call this meeting is ONLY because I want to make sure that the IPRC will ALWAYS meet the needs of our diverse population, rather than to become a microcosm reflection of the social inequalities that plaque our city, our country and our entire world as a result of BLATANTLY ignoring the UNITED requests of T.U.L.I.P. members.

In addition, I call this meting to encourage and promote the UNIFICATION of all people regardless of race, class, age, disability or gender.

Among the topics in discussion will be:

Front page of the New York Time reported that census Figures show that there are now more Latinos in America than African-Americans. Many of the Latinos speak only Spanish? How can T.U.L.I.P. welcome and accommodate the second largest race in America in a financially feasible manner? What percentage of the signs around the office, the library materials, the brochures, and the workshops are currently in Spanish? What percentage should be in Spanish?

How can T.U.L.I.P. accommodate people who are hearing and visually challenged in a financially feasible manner? What percentage of the signs in the office, the library materials, the brochures and the workshops are currently in Braille or have a sign language interpreter? (Current Answer to that question: ZERO) What percentage should be?

T.U.L.I.P. is located within a one mile radius of Old Chinatown. How many times has T.U.L.I.P. welcomed its minority neighbors? How can T.U.L.I.P. successful welcome its multicultural neighbors?

We do a great deal of advertising in the Portland Alliance. I hope we continue to do that because that is one of my all time favorite newspapers on the face of the planet and beyond [[[Sidenote to readers all over the world: Check them out at They have full text online articles and an awesome Progressive organization directory.. Please donate to the alliance. They are non-profit and tax deductible. Subscribe too!]]]

What percentage of T.U.L.I.P. advertising budget and advertising efforts are currently invested into "The Asian reporter" newspaper ( an awesome paper ) or "El Hispanic News" or any one of the other many, many awesome local cultural or elderly focused newspapers? (Current Answer to that Question: ZERO!!!) What percentage should be?

If T.U.L.I.P. had a "multicultural open house event day" they could get 100% FREE advertising on the calendar section of the following INCREDIBLY AWESOME newspapers: The Portland Alliance, The Asian Reporter, Portland family magazine, Cycling magazine (we have a very large bike rider membership) , Oregon peace worker, Hipfish newspaper (which advertises as far as Astoria, Oregon) and many, many local elderly newspapers. We could also email the senior and ethnic organizations. Is there any reason why T.U.L.I.P. can't have just ONE "Multicultural OPEN House" event day every four months? That's just three times, three days a year in order to try to ensure diversity for the rest of the 362 days of the year. There is no cost to T.U.L.I.P.. No food or drink is needed. People will feast upon the organic buffet known as "equality for all people" and drink like happy deer from the sparkling blue river of "compassion to unite all womankind and mankind". Each of those newspapers has email so postage isn't even needed. "A 100% free multicultural open house" event every four months. What OR WHO would be stopping us from making that happen... ...IMMEDIATELY?

All the current T.U.L.I.P. staff and volunteers are wonderful. I want them to stay. When searching to later make additions to our future staff, what suggestions can be made to successfully welcome a more racially diverse volunteer staff? Such as someone who might be able to speak Spanish to Spanish monolingual residents of our beautiful city? How many Latino-American staff are there presently at T.U.L.I.P..? (Answer: ZERO) How many Spanish speaking staff are at T.U.L.I.P.? (Answer that I got from a paid staff member: ZERO)

In the 4 months that I have been a member of T.U.L.I.P., and the countless hours that I spent there working on my zine, do you know how many African-American visitors or members I've seen at the T.U.L.I.P.? 2. Do you know how many African-American staff I've seen at T.U.L.I.P.? ZERO.

In the 4 months that I have been a member of T.U.L.I.P., and the countless hours that I spent there working on my zine, do you know how many Asian-American visitors or members I've seen at T.U.L.I.P., even though we're located RIGHT NEXT TO OLD CHINATOWN? 2. Do you know how many African-American staff I've seen at T.U.L.I.P.? ZERO!!

Now here comes the biggie:.

In the 4 months that I have been a member of T.U.L.I.P., and the countless hours that I spent there working on my zine, do you know how many Latino-Americans (STAFF. MEMBERS, VISITORS OR ANYONE ELSE) I've seen at T.U.L.I.P.? You guessed it! ZERO!!! Not one! NOT EVER!

How can T.U.L.I.P. accommodate people who only speak Spanish in a financially feasible manner? What percentage of the signs in the office, the library materials, the brochures and the workshops are currently in Spanish? And how many of the countless T.U.L.I.P. workshop classes are offered in Spanish ? (Current Answer to BOTH questions: ZERO!!!) Even though Portland, Oregon has a Bilingual Spanish newspaper with a circulation of over 60,000!!! And the Front page of the New York Times reported that there are now more Latino-Americans in the U.S.A. than African Americans… T.U.L.I.P. in NO WAY has successfully invited the Latino-American community to T.U.L.I.P.!!!

Now, I want to quote for you the definition of racism as defined by Robert Bullard's book "Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1990), p.98". He says "any policy, practice or directive that differentially affects or disadvantages (whether intended or unintended) individuals, groups or communities based on race or color."

By Mr.Bullard's definition T.U.L.I.P. is UNQUESTIONABLY a RACIST ORGANIZATION!!!

And when you stop to realize that the majority of Latino-America belongs to the extremely limited income social class… …you have to ask yourself:

Is T.U.L.I.P. also CLASSIST?

I have no problem admitting the final 2 "pushes" or 2 "sacrifices" that caused me to finally break my usual preference to be quiet and request that someone have this discussion IMMEDIATELY are below.

Keep in mind that several T.U.L.I.P. staff have been alerted many times to the... ...'inconvenient' inequalities that these 'sacrifices' have made to some of its members.

It is a well known fact in the U.S.A. that a large percentage of minority and elderly people are disproportionately 'unknowledgeable'/'uncomfortable' with using computer. This is particularly in comparison to "young urban professional/suburban" populations. Independent publishers and zine creators without 'computer savvy' choose to use the "cut & paste by hand" method instead of using computers. T.U.L.I.P. at one time accommodated this with two tables in a modest sized workshop. Ironically, at the same time Bush was making CHANGES to the United States policy of following the U.N. votes, and at the same time Salem, Oregon legislature were making CHANGES to the budget of its most vulnerable residents.... ... T.U.L.I.P. made some renovations and "CHANGES". The print room was transformed into a freshly painted, carpeted, extremely spacious library with its own computer, with a nice window view. It now resembles a mini-cathedral library. DO NOT MISCONTRUE My WORDS! I am GLAD we have a zine library. i am glad it is growing. i want more zine libraries all over the world! Independent Press UNITY! But i do not agree with the two sacrifices that were made to accommodate this. The two sacrifices that were made to accommodate this?

50% of the tables were removed "folded and stood in a corner" in the workshop. Now, for the countless members that T.U.L.I.P. has, there is ONE table down. But for computer savvy zine creators, who don't use the table much, this is not a problem. You see, in T.U.L.I.P., having been a member since November, I can tell you that I have never seen the 90% of the staff and volunteers use the tables in the workshops. So it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to accurately measure the level of inconvenience this imposes upon the people who use the workshop. Several times i have gone through the trouble of putting that second table down. It is tall and made of steel and wood, weighs far over eighty pounds. And every time someone puts that table back up. They put it up because there is "not enough space now" in the workshop for it. So i gave up and now i put all my zine material on chairs so there is room for people to use the table. This weekend I saw an Asian American using the typewriter at the table and then i looked at the racial composition of the people who were using the computers and i began to realize the racial balance of the people who use that one table. then i counted all the people who came in to use the table that same day. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... I decided to count no longer.

The reason that the second table no longer 'fits' in T.U.L.I.P.? because...

#2. A behemoth all-metal object with dangerous sharp corners that is far OVER three times the weight and size of T.U.L.I.P.'s refrigerator was placed into the already small workshop... that the luxurious library could be wonderfully spacious. The workshop NOW LITERALLY, ACTUALLY has the walking space of a walk-in closet with one table down for the countless T.U.L.I.P.members.

Let me say one more thing. There are three standard sizes of paper used to make a zine all over the world... explained in the IPRC workshop book. One of these three sizes is 11 x 17 which i need for my zine. Last Thursday T.U.L.I.P. ran out of this paper. I used every possible scrap of it i could find to avoid having to ask for paper. my zine is supposed to be filled with all white pages. in desperation, the pages of my zine are now composed of: white and pink pages in my zine and sometimes cover stock which brakes the staples when i try to staple thee zine together. I specifically brought it to the attention of the staff that i was using every type of paper imaginable because all the regular photocopier paper is gone. i was trying to discreetly hope that someone would order more 11 x 17 paper. When you ask people to order paper that... ...can create a level of discomfort, understandably, since T.U.L.I.P. hopes for donated paper. Saturday i came in to make my zine, no paper. By Sunday there still was no 11 x 17 paper. On that day i asked a staff... "how do we get more paper?". i was told they order it from a discount place. I told the staff I am about to print several hundred copies (about 2800 sheets of paper). the staff told me he'll order it next week. I informed the staff the only thing I was waiting for, to complete my zine, was the paper. i asked the staff "hmm, can you tell me how much you pay for the paper at the discounted rate, then i can buy some paper, give you the receipt, and you can reimburse me only the discounted amounted"? Before i could finish, the staff told me "No" the best he could do was get two reams (1000 sheets of paper) by Tuesdays. i said that's fine.

I'm writing this on Tuesday. There is no 11 x 17 paper (except for the cover stock which breaks the staples on my zine). The staff told me, "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to get to it today." if there was 11 x 17 paper i would have been making copies now instead going ahead and typing this up. I was well aware when I requested the paper, and told it would be here Tuesday, that there was DEFINITELY a chance that it would not be here today. You see, the lack of 11 x 17 paper is not a problem for young urban professionals because they do not print out their zine on the photocopier. They have the money, or the connections, to pay an offset printer to make a nice glossy zine for them or they have a friend print it out at their corporate job. I came in today at 5pm to finish typing this. At 5:10pm two gentleman walked in looking for 11 x 17 paper as well. Unlike before the changes at T.U.L.I.P., T.U.L.I.P. does have the space to store at least 3 boxes of the paper... the spacious vestibule.

I emphasize and re-emphasize this point because UNLESS YOU ARE ME, OR UNLESS YOU ARE LIVING ON A "carry grocery store bought food around with you at all times so you don't have to EVER buy the way-out-of-my-budget yummy looking, yummy smelling restaurant food" budget, you will never , NEVER, NEVER understand how humiliating it is to have to beg for paper.

Just like the two gentlemen, I was simply looking for the resource of paper in a place titled the independent RESOURCE CENTER and could not get it. I personally feel the lack of 11 x 17 paper, which is the #1 way for independent publishers on EXTREMELY limited incomes to save money when printing, is a class issue. Let me tell you why. First, no offense intended, but it is CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT for me to say that when i use the phrase "EXTREMELY limited income" I am referring to those of us WHO CANNOT EVEN AFFORD THE LUXURY OF BUYING A CUP OF 'COFFEE SHOP' COFFEE ONCE PER WEEK. The three dollars you pay for non-fair trade coffee/expresso once a week or more at StarCrooks, I use to buy myself THREE MEALS at "Sisters of the Road Cafe" ( Dear Reader any where in the world, "Sisters" is a non-profit organization with subsidized food and a crossroads activists program that speaks up for the underclass, i shamelessly hope that you volunteer their and donate to them, they are tax-deductible ). With that said, need to repeat: lack of 11 x 17 paper is an offense to the underclass independent author. That is because in T.U.L.I.P., as is the case on many self-serve copy machine at copy shops, 11 x 17 copies cost the same EXACT price as a sheet of paper half the size, 8 1/2" x 11". Thus, those of us who are of TRULY EXTREMELY LIMITED INCOME, photocopy duplicate originals of our zine, no matter how small, onto 11" x 17" paper, and then use the giant paper cutter to cut the 11" x 17" duplicate copies down to size. This saves us anywhere from 50% to 75% on printing costs!

But most of the upper-class, and the young urban professionals don't go through this because they have the money to 'forego' this "trifling" inconvenience by photocopying using 8 1/2" x 11" paper. That's why T.U.L.I.P. constantly says "most of our members use 8 1/2" x 11" paper and that's why we don't keep much 11" x 17" paper on hand."

Is it fair to ask... .. has T.U.L.I.P., STRICTLY UNINTENTIONALLY, of course, fallen from its goals of providing even the most BASIC of resources to ALL social classes of its members? If so, how can we change this?

{{{ Important Note regarding my choice to focus on this staff member: In this day and age, issues about racism are very serious and i don't use the word racism or any other word affiliated with discrimination lightly. This is why i did not use any ones name in this zine. I chose to focus on this particular unnamed T.U.L.I.P. staff member only because this staff is a minority, and thus if anyone should foolishly misinterpret this zine as calling him a racist, you will look quite foolish. That staff member, as are all T.U.L.I.P. staff members, as of this writing, have always been cool to me, and he was the first person on the planet to whom i showed the very first issue of my this online completed zine and the first person i ever showed my other paper zine . There is nothing offensive or insulting projected at him by this zine and i hope that is understood. Wires just get crossed sometimes }}}

Lastly, i want to sincerely apologize if i offended anyone with this request for a discussion.

This is a very personal issue for me.

The fact that our President ignored the UN and is ready to kill innocent children is personal and has me a bit emotional about issues in which people are ignored. The fact that Salem legislature measure 28 budget cut-makers ignored the pleas of the most vulnerable people of Oregon... ..and cut off the health care benefits and now some of my closest friends are being indirectly told to "starve" and "die slow and sickly" makes it very personal to me about issues in which people are ignored.

I bring this issue up in a spirit of love and i sincerely hope it is taken in that way. I try to keep my sense of humor in this way, because laughter is a shield from the pain. I put this in my online zine because I want input from all T.U.L.I.P. members and i cannot afford paper flyers. Also, i do this because the independent press energy positive-flow is sweeping the country and bringing unity to places and people where there was none. T.U.L.I.P. has inspired me to create both of my zines. I have no doubt that other places, similar to T.U.L.I.P. are facing these same issues and I want them to benefit from the issues that we are facing , and the discussions that we are having to better our situation, here in the, rose city, one of the most progressive cities on the face of the planet. A city in which i consider each and every man, woman and child, my brother , my sister, and my family. This will be especially helpful in areas of the world like thee Midwest, and deep south of America where BLATANT AND MURDEROUS RACISM has caused many minorities not to join ANY organization unless they PERSONALLY receive an invitation that SPECIFICALLY reads "multicultural event".


I am going to say something a bit extreme that I believe needs to be said, so i will apologize in advance if I insult anyone: No matter where you are in the world, if anyone in your organization OBJECTS or makes and excuse to support WHY THEY "THINK" YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE THREE "multicultural OPEN HOUSE (invite all ages, races, disabled people etc. )EVENT "days per year (even if their excuse is... uh.. "understandable" such time, labor, expense [?????] or even the sky is falling, the sky is falling ) what i recommend is that you do this: STOP. KEEP LOVE IN YOUR HEART. STEP BACK. TAKE A VERY, VERY, GOOD, LOOooooooOOOoong Evaluative look at the human being who is bringing up excuses and reasons for NOT having only THREE multicultural event days per 365 days to invite and welcome all people into your organization.

One or two days is not enough. Free tours are not enough. Let me give you just one example why. You see, this past weekend was a REAL cultural shock to my system on all levels. As i sat in T.U.L.I.P., an elderly couple walked in. They had read an informative brochure apparently about T.U.L.I.P. and wanted to know more. It is important that I describe this couple. They were very polite, well spoken, very well dressed, very articulate and by all indications of their vocabulary seemed to have some formal education. For those in other countries reading this I want to mention that like most of Oregon, they were a Caucasian couple. One of the most polite members of T.U.L.I.P. greeted this couple warmly, and gave them the customary free tour of everything explaining everything in very articulate, educated, and, by all indications, easy to understand manner. Here is what must be noted: Somehow the couple seemed to "not understand" what T.U.L.I.P. was about and what services they offered. They not only stated so, but they had a look of confusion 'BILLBOARDED' all over their face and in the almost-pleading tone of their voice. It was not simple 'miscommunication'. You see, they said they didn't understand, but the staff remained polite and went on to explain it to them AT LEAST three times. When they left, they did not seem to be AT ALL any more enlightened then when they arrived. The staff member even took the time to stop and ask me, "I did explain it, right". And I thoroughly agreed with him and told him that I felt he did a great job.

I believe the problem is this: T.U.L.I.P. is AN EXTREME INNOVATION. IT is a departure-from-the norm of "kissing corporate butt." The INDEPENDENT publisher's resource center is the SOARING BUTTERFLY OG of ORGANIZED INDEPENDENCE that metamorphosized from the "out-dated caterpillar-like" concept that to be "independent" meant to be spontaneous, disorganized and basically alone. It is an innovation, a departure-from-the-norm, a metamorphosis that will take more than a couple minute tour in order to make the transition across ethnic, cultural and generational ideas of "independence is taboo and scary... and ultimately lonely." I have been to every single state in the U.S.A., most twice, and I have never seen anything like it, or priced as affordably as it is... ....and I can tell you I SEARCH FOR PLACES THAT WILL ENABLE MY INDEPENDENCE LIKE A MINER LOOKING FOR DIAMONDS!!!!.

When considering why we must make a focused attempt to personally invite the elderly, and spend at least several hours, at least 3 days per year with them consider this:


#2. When many elderly people think of "independent" they think of their days as hippies. There thousands and thousands of organizations of independence, love, peace and goodwill. Over 95% of them are gone. They were bright like a shooting star but they faded fast. That is not an insult their generation. For it was their generation that lit the fire of many of the younger generation.

The younger generation, which is the majority of the IPRC, is NOT AT ALL LIKE a shooting star because we CHOOSE NOT TO BE. We choose to be like the ETERNAL TORCH, that burns bright like the shooting star, but is HERE TO STAY... and to be passed on to the next generation. Just the other week one of our members, a teacher, despite the INHUMANE budget cuts that effected his life, made time to introduce elementary school children to the IPRC for several hours. That's awesome! We must do that for all cultures, all ages and all disabled people as well!

With that said,... if you attend this discussion, please bring only love and an open mind. please leave all hatred, indifference and bitterness for anyone or anything at the door. or leave it in the IPRC vestibule... ...which leads to the mini-cathedral library.

Again, sorry if i offended anyone.

True Love & Unity... ...for the people!

T.v.L.i.mi.t. BNB

Most of the above article can be found at


The below article can be found at

It was written exactly ONE week after the above article:


Hello again. I honestly thought that T.U.L.I.P. would honor their word to me about having just two reams of paper by Tuesday or at least try to show some sign (like putting down the second table and keeping it down) that they are addressing the issues that I mentioned in the prior zine. No one has even mentioned a word to me about having any kind of discussion regarding equality issues in T.U.L.I.P.. That is sad. I put up a GIANT BRIGHT YELLOW POSTER in T.U.L.I.P. formally requesting that a discussion about equality take place. Just as it typically occurs to minorities who bring up issues about equality, I HONESTLY believe they are trying to ignore me and hope I forget about it.

Please allow me to show you a calendar of what has led up to me submitting these zines and what has occurred after I submitted the zine, "We Came To Protest On Behalf Of (The Untitled) issue # "Love And Equality Discussion". Still, I love the services offered by places such as T.U.L.I.P. and I want to see places like T.U.L.I.P. be created, GROW & PROSPER all over the country and the world so that people can create independent press and unite the community with freedom. with peace and with love. "

Now, onto the calendar.

Month 1 - Day 1- "T.U.L.I.P. Renovations and "Changes" - T.U.L.I.P. makes some drastic changes which result in workshop room space reductions and results in there being only ONE table in the workshop so that another room can have comparatively luxurious amounts of space. I stay quiet.

Month 1 - 15 days later -

Month 1 -Day 15 - I stay quiet. All the elements that I see which create a racist, ageist, ableist and lack of accessibilty environment in a business are in T.U.L.I.P.. Optimistically, I keep up hope that T.U.L.I.P. is not a racist, ageist, ableist organization which doesn't care about the lack of accessibility to the blind, to the deaf and to non-English speaking in T.U.L.I.P.. Everyone has always been polite to me and I have never seen anyone be anything but polite to others in T.U.L.I.P.. I stay quiet. I selfishly figure "it hasn’t gotten to the point where it directly affects me in an EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE way so I stay quiet. I notice more and more often people, mostly the underclass, who use the workshop are crammed at that one table. I decide not to complain about it, but instead to put all my stuff on chairs and let everyone else use the tables. i stay quiet.

Month 2 - Day 30 - Saturday - I stay quiet. I notice that T.U.L.I.P., a RESOURCE CENTER, has run out of the RESOURCE of 11 x 17 paper (which is one of 3 standard size paper in the world, and one of the common sizes to use to make a zine, as mentioned in the T.U.L.I.P. workshop booklet) and I am having to use scraps of mitch-match paper just to put together and PUBLISH my zine. The only 11 x 17 paper available is cover stock which breaks the staples when I try to staple together my zine. i don't want to beg for paper because it is degrading and humiliating so I just let the staff know that there is no paper. I no longer use the ONE table in the workshop room because, unlike when there were TWO tables before the renovations, there NOW is not enough space for everyone and the underclass users of the workshop tables, so I put all my stuff on chairs in a corner. I stay quiet.

Month 2 - Day 31 - Sunday - I stay quiet. This particular day is like no other. On this particular day, as quoted from my other zine, "This weekend I saw an Asian American using the typewriter at the table and then i looked at the racial composition of the people who were using the computers and i began to realize the racial balance of the people who use that one table. then i counted all the people who came in to use the table that same day. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... I decided to count no longer." Also, on this particular day, an elderly couple walked in. This was shocking because for the four months since I have been a member I do not recall EVER seeing anyone over the age range of 48 years old in T.U.L.I.P..

This was the day that I saw the generational differences, the strictly unintentional ageism, in the fact that the elderly couple, after politely being informed what T.U.L.I.P. was about 3 times, still "seemed to 'not understand' what T.U.L.I.P. was about." That is quoted directly from on which you will find an elaborate description of that moment. That is unintentional ageism because we, T.U.L.I.P., must realize the generational differences, and must take the time to spend several hours, and several multicultural open house days per year, explaining it to the elderly. We do it for the elementary school kids, and we should definitely do it for the elderly, they are truly the "many HAVE-NOTS". Not only because the elderly baby-boomer generation is the largest in history in the U.S.A. but also because, ever since the drastic social welfare budget cuts, that have occurred all over the country, the elderly "HAVE-NOT" financial situation is only going to get worse.

Let me give you a definition of ageism from NTC's Dictionary of Euphemisms - The most practical guide to Unraveling Euphemisms" pg. 45 by Anne Bertram-

"Ageism - a bias against old people. - You shouldn't treat old people as if they're stupid. That's ageism! - Again and again, the company refused to give promotions to employees over the age of 50. This ageism was the basis of a lawsuit brought by the employees who had been discriminated against. "

The staff member who repeated himself over and over again to the elderly person, was not in my opinion, ageist. That is because I believe he would have done the same thing for anyperson, any age who kept asking for an explanation. When I talked to that staff after this article he seemed to think that I was saying he was 'unintentionally ageist. No, I am not say that at all. Let me be clear.'s definition of Ageism is -"Discrimination based on age, especially prejudice against the elderly.".

We have classes for the school kids and we need to have classes for the elderly. We need to have an elderly person on staff or at least an elderly volunteer. That is what I am saying.

Also, T.U.L.I.P., needs to advertise in several 100% free calendar sections of elderly newspapers, which are also BIG time in Portland and located on about 1 in every 10 corners in the downtown area.

On this same day, there is still no 11 x 17 paper for the photocopier. So i quietly ask the staff for paper. He gives me his word that the best he could do is provide two reams (1000 sheets of paper) by Tuesday. He cuts me off while I'm talking and departs abruptly after talking to me.

Month 2 - Day 32 - Monday

I began to think of how the staff cut me off and the way the staff has told me in the past about how things would get down but never do get down. I recall the same staff telling me my web page zine would be placed up onto T.U.L.I.P., member site "next week". that was a month ago. For some reason, i don't think that will occur.

Note: Please keep in mind, the staff I am referring to is a very polite person, actually. i am in not upset, nor disappointed by this staff person. For me to be disappointed by the way this staff person is treating me is like a grocery store customer being disappointed at the grocery store cashier for the high price of bottled water. The customer shouldn't be disappointed by the cashier. The customer shouldn't even be disappointed by the store owner. The customer shouldn't even be disappointed by the corporations who pollute our free water to the point where we buy expensive bottled water. The customer shouldn't even be disappointed by the politicians who are paid off through campaign donations to allow the corporations to continue polluting to the point where we buy expensive bottled water. The customer should be disappointed in HERSELF for not helping to unite the people of the world so that we can find ways filled with LOVE and PEACE to protest and make a difference.. to get clean water, food for the hungry, housing for the homeless and health care for the world.

i am disappointed in ONLY myself because it wasn't until 50% of the (only) TWO tables were taken away, and I was made to beg like a dog in the streets for the resource of paper, that I begin to realize that...

....if you wait to UNITE the people ONLY when you face a problem, IT WILL DEFINITELY BE TOO LATE!!!!!

So, on that note, I have every reason to believe that there will not be any paper on Tuesday. I stay quiet... ..but i start to type up an informal request addressed to T.U.L.I.P., hoping that they will have a meeting or a group discussion about racism, ageism, classism and lack of accessibility in T.U.L.I.P., . I stay quiet.

Month 2 - Day 32 - Monday - I stay quiet. I do not come into T.U.L.I.P., because I was already informed that there would not be any 11 x 17 paper for the photocopier for me to PUBLISH my zine. Me, my need for the RESOURCE of paper in the photocopier, to PUBLISH my humble little INDEPENDENT zine, is not a priority to T.U.L.I.P. an independent PUBLISHERS RESOURCE organization. I stay quiet.

Month 2 - Day 33 - Tuesday - I come in hoping that there will be 11 x 17 paper so i can spend all my time publishing my zine. There is no paper and I realize the staff has NOT honored his word. Ten minutes after I arrive looking for 11 x 17 paper, not one, but two other gentlemen arrive looking for 11 x 17 paper. I use the computers to finish typing the "love and equality discussion" zine. The staff arrives and tells me, "Sorry T, i couldn't get to it today, I'll get it tomorrow." I stay polite. I stay quiet. i quietly tell the staff, before giving him the zine, that I wrote a zine about sensitive issues and i apologize if he's offended." I say " I wrote it in a spirit of love. I love all ya'all at the IPRC and consider you all to be my family.". I submit the zine to T.U.L.I.P., .

Day 34 - Wednesday - A paid staff member of T.U.L.I.P., who read the 'Love And Equality Discussion" issue zine, comments to me on the part of the zine which mentioned the typewriter. He comments because he knows that the only table set up in T.U.L.I.P. workshop is in the middle of the room and shelves and other items are blocking the electrical outlets so everyone puts the typewriter up on the high shelf (which is higher than the waist of the average person) and types while having to stand up. The staff member says to me, in regards to T.U.L.I.P., "We put the typewriter this way because people have told us they like to stand while using the typewriter." This particular statement actually leaves me speechless. Speechless. Those were nine-teen small words which actually took my breath away.

For up until this point I was only 90% certain that I was doing the right thing by addressing these issues. But after hearing those 19 words I became 190% certain that i am doing the right thing and that it has been long overdue.

I thought about those 19 words after I left T.U.L.I.P. a great deal. Constantly. And I finally came to realize the REAL issue at T.U.L.I.P.. And that issue is this:

In T.U.L.I.P. there is an issue. That issue exists in a great deal of our American society, and as in a great deal of the world where you will find conditions which, although perhaps UNINTENTIONALLY, UNQUESTIONABLY discriminate against the elderly, the disabled, minorities and those of an EXTREMELY limited income social class. That issue is this:

"The wants and the luxurious desires of the "few HAVES" outweigh the crucial needs and desperate necessities of the "many HAVE-NOTS", and that is because the "many HAVE-NOTS" were not invited."

Let me repeat that:

"The wants and the luxurious desires of the "few HAVES" outweigh the crucial needs and desperate necessities of the "many HAVE-NOTS", and that is because the "many HAVE-NOTS" were not invited."

Before I explain how it pertains to the typewriter I want to make an announcement to all the world:


The issues that are in this zine are of crucial importance to LOVE, UNITY , INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM all around the world! For how can we ever see eye to eye on the MAJOR issues of starvation, housing, employment, and social welfare as it is affected by RACISM, AGEISM, CLASSISM and lack of accessibility to ALL PEOPLE... ...if we can't even see eye-to-eye on something so small as to say : PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE , I beg you.... T.U.L.I.P., please have at least two small cases of 11 x 17 photocopy paper AT ALL TIMES so the underclass people don't have to beg for paper! We want to peacefully protest all the social injustices in the world, all the inequalities and we DESPERATELY need that 11 x 17 paper in that photocopier to get our INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER'S VOICE HEARD by the world! That is not a joke! PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE , I beg you.... T.U.L.I.P., please have at least two LONG tables in the workshop AT ALL TIMES so that underclass people, the elderly, the disabled and the minorities who rely upon it don't have to beg you to put a second table down for them! So that the underclass people, the elderly, the disabled and the minorities who rely upon it can always look into that humble little workshop room and KNOW THAT, YES, YOU ARE WELCOME, YOU ARE INVITED, AND YES, THERE IS SPACE FOR YOU!

The issues that are in this zine are important because the ONLY way that we can build LOVE, UNITY , PEACE AND STRENGTH all around the world is by starting with the small things and THEN together, everyone of all races, classes, and disabilities, hand in hand, tackling the big things!

On this same day, the United States of America, this country that I, even in a city with one of the largest Progressive populations, will admit that i love, has declared war of an unprecedented scale of bombings, some bombs of a strength that the U.S. military has admitted to the media they've never been tested before,... bombings on another country which has a population of 50% children. Before anything else, I am a Christian, and I love all human being regardless of what they've done, who they are, or where they live just as closely as I love my own immediate family. If i could share with you my pain inside about the fact that those children are dying, a death which I can feel, in my every waking hour, this, this zine, it would sound like the final song of a dying whale swimming and drowning in it's own blood. If I could share with you my pain no one would be able to concentrate on my desperate plea to organize the people in UNITY and LOVE all over the world. A DESPERATE PLEA which, rightly so, begins on an unquiet basis, in a non-profit organization that has the potential to reach out to the community and empower people to ACTUALLY (not simply promote...but to...) BECOME THE INDEPENDENT PRESS!

PLEASE FORGIVE ME, BUT I'm going to repeat those two paragraphs do to its importance.


The issues that are in this zine are of crucial importance to LOVE, UNITY , INDEPENDENCE and FREEDOM all around the world! For how can we ever see eye to eye on the MAJOR issues of starvation, housing, employment, and social welfare as it is affected by RACISM, AGEISM, CLASSISM and lack of accessibility to ALL PEOPLE... ...if we can't even see eye-to-eye on something so small as to say : PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE , I beg you.... T.U.L.I.P., please have at least two small cases of 11 x 17 photocopy paper AT ALL TIMES so the underclass people don't have to beg for paper! We want to peacefully protest all the social injustices in the world, all the inequalities and we DESPERATELY need that 11 x 17 paper in that photocopier to get our INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER'S VOICE HEARD by the world! That is not a joke! PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE , I beg you.... T.U.L.I.P., please have at least two LONG tables in the workshop AT ALL TIMES so that underclass people, the elderly, the disabled and the minorities who rely upon it don't have to beg you to put a second table down for them! So that the underclass people, the elderly, the disabled and the minorities who rely upon it can always look into that humble little workshop room and KNOW THAT, YES, YOU ARE WELCOME, YOU ARE INVITED, AND YES, THERE IS SPACE FOR YOU!

The issues that are in this zine are important because the ONLY way that we can build LOVE, UNITY , PEACE AND STRENGTH all around the world is by starting with the small things and THEN together, everyone of all races, classes, and disabilities, hand in hand, tackling the big things!

On this same day, the United States of America, this country that I, even in a city with one of the largest populations of my fellow Progressive people, will admit that i love, has declared war of an unprecedented scale of bombings, some bombs of a strength that the U.S. military has admitted to the media they've never been tested before,... bombings on another country which has a population of 50% children. Before anything else, I am a Christian, and I love all human being regardless of what they've done, who they are, or where they live just as closely as I love my own immediate family. If i could share with you my pain inside about the fact that those children are dying, a death which I can feel, in my every waking hour, this, this zine, it would sound like the final song of a dying whale swimming and drowning in it's own blood. If I could share with you my pain no one would be able to concentrate on my desperate plea to organize the people in UNITY and LOVE all over the world. A DESPERATE PLEA which, rightly so, begins on an unquiet basis, in a non-profit organization that has the potential to reach out to the community and empower people to ACTUALLY (not simply promote...but to...) BECOME THE INDEPENDENT PRESS!

Before i made that announcement, I made this phrase:

"The wants and the luxurious desires of the "few HAVES" outweigh the crucial needs and desperate necessities of the "many HAVE-NOTS", and that is because the "many HAVE-NOTS" were not invited."

I will now explain how it pertains to the typewriter being in the stand up, hunched over, position.

T.U.L.I.P., has set the typewriter up, and has reduced the tables in the workshop by over 50% so that you must stand up while using it. (Some T.U.L.I.P.staff may mention that is possible to carry the heavy typewriter out of T.U.L.I.P.'s workshop into another room and plug it in. But then you would no longer have access to all the workshop materials that independent authors tend to use simultaneously whole typing, cutting & pasting, such as scissors, white-out, rulers, many other pages of reference materials that people tend to spread out for easy viewing and so on.) They created this "stand up, hunched over, while typing" position based on "the people", that is, "The People" who Have Told T.U.L.I.P. that they like to stand up when using the typewriter".

But they created that "stand up, hunched over, while typing" position without taking into consideration how it would affect the elderly, the disabled, and those of EXTREMELY limited income social class, who have minimum wage jobs of manual labor and running and being on their feet all days as cashiers, warehouse workers, waitresses, maids and janitors...who MOST DEFINITELY don't want to end their day, by standing up while using the typewriter. Many of these people just mentioned are 'unknowledgeable' or uncomfortable with using a computer so they find themselves on a typewriter for very long periods of time.

I keep thinking about how that staff member justified the new cramped space in T.U.L.I.P. with the phrase" People Have Told Us They Like To Stand Up When Using The Typewriter". While the minorities, and elderly people and the underclass social class has to stand up while using the typewriter… …guess what kind of seating accommodations they have in the spacious, luxurious new library? A SOFA CHAIR! NOT JUST ONE BUT TWO, PLUSH COMFY SOFA CHAIRS! We're cramped in the one table workshop like roaches in the ghetto! Meanwhile the "young urban professionals" and the primarily caucasian members kick out their legs in PUUUuure luxury with lap top computers and plenty of space...and a whole separate spacious new room for their ARt gallery!

Seven days a week T.U.L.I.P. is open. It is open three weekdays a week at 4pm, the time when many people start to get off of work.

But to be honest, T.U.L.I.P. does not have a large amount of elderly people, EXTREMELY limited income people, disabled people or "minorities". [Note: Out of respect for all races, I want to say that there does not "seem" to be many 'minorities' from what i have seen in T.U.L.I.P.. From what I can visibly recognize I have seen only about 5 minorities, including myself, in T.U.L.I.P. out of the hundred or so people I've seen pass through T.U.L.I.P. in the last 4 months. Nevertheless, there seems to be a growing trend around the U.S.A. where people who look 100% like Caucasian-Americans desire to be recognized as "Native-Americans" even if they only have 2.5% Native-American blood in their background. Many people, included Many, many outspoken, famous comedians may find this amusing, but I highly respect these people, and admire them for speaking up, because I believe that such acknowledgement of racial ties can only strengthen the crucial need for racial unity and harmony throughout our city, our country and our world.)

But the fact that T.U.L.I.P. does not have a large amount of elderly people, EXTREMELY limited income people, disabled people or "minorities", all of whom are generally part of the "many HAVE-NOTS" is only because these people have NOT been PERSONALLY invited to T.U.L.I.P..

On DAY 2, the day after I gave T.U.L.I.P. the zine, I went to put my flyer up on a bulletin board area. I looked around and then noticed that there was a sign up that said there would be an "open house" at T.U.L.I.P.. I wondered why none of the minority newspapers or any of the elderly newspapers were informed of this 'open house'. Those minority newspapers and elderly newspapers all have 100% free calendar sections. I know very well that the newspapers could not have been 'missed' because in our city the minority newspaper are BIG time, they are FREE, and they have FREE newsstands located at about every 3-6 blocks, and inside many stores, throughout the entire downtown area where the IPRC is located).

On this same paper, I noticed that T.U.L.I.P. tends to have an "art gallery." T.U.L.I.P., a RESOURCE CENTER is not able to get 1000 sheets of the resource known as 11 x 17 paper, but they have the time, the resources, the organizational skills to have an "art gallery"?

Dear Reader, let me ask you a question. But first: Now, free your mind. Keep love in your heart. Breathe deep. *exhale*.... *inhale* ..... *exhale*.....


Now here's the question:





The staff and I also speak about the possibility of a having three multi cultural Open house days per year. He said "we" will see what we can do. "We"? Great! I start to collect all the email addresses for every newspaper in the city that have a 100% free calendar section.

Day 35 - Thursday.

The staff told me they finally got paper! Awesome! i was thinking to myself! Wow! T.U.L.I.P. has honored their word and got two reams just like they said they would. I take a look. i don't see the second ream. i ask about it. the staff says they only got 500 sheets of 11 x 17 paper. Which means I will have to do more degrading begging for paper when this runs out. Which means it may run out half way through the job like last time because the photocopier jams on about every 4 sheets of 11 x 17 paper. So i decide not to make photocopies but to renew my efforts to get the IPRC to have a meeting about racism, ageism, classism, and lack of accessibility in the IPRC. So far no one has made any indication that there will be such a meeting. I keep hoping they'll have it. I decide what i need to do is to get input from the other member and non-member patrons of T.U.L.I.P., and anyone on the planet who uses facilities such as the zine library at T.U.L.I.P. and a zine workshop. i begin research to find zine library email addresses. I begin a small group of emails. i stay quiet.

Day 36 - Friday

Last night, the local news had live coverage of hundreds and thousands of people who were protesting the war on the radio. many people were pepper sprayed by police. Hundreds of were arrested. Once upon a time being arrested was a small thing with, at most, a couple days jail punishment. Now, ever since, post 9-11 , authorities can use any excuse to lock people away for months and sometimes years, especially if its not your first time being arrested for the unspeakable crime of "peaceful protesting". They all were there peacefully assembled. They locked arms and simply were seated on the ground... while the cops dragged them away. I must give the cops credit though. At least this time they didn't pepper spray any children and babies like they did last time when people peacefully protested because our highest elected leader was coming to deathtollraise , i mean fundraise, for the war time politics and fellow politicians, in our city.

A middle aged member of T.U.L.I.P. told me she was in a classroom somewhere when the heaviest protesting began which shut down traffic everywhere. This T.U.L.I.P. member mentioned to me that she had found out a while ago that a great deal of the people in that classroom were pro-war. Many of the protestors were bike riders. Someone in the class, knowing she was a bike rider, asked her if she would be o.k. getting home. They said to her, in regards to the peaceful protestors, "Be careful, they might think you're one of them!" She instantly replied to them, "I am one of them!" THE... ....FRIGGIN'.... BEST! Do you hear me? The BEST!

This encourages me to type. Because she is one of ONLY about FOUR middle aged people that I have ever seen in T.U.L.I.P. for over 4 months! I know there are more people willing to peacefully protest of all age groups, through all avenues including becoming an Independent Publisher. T.U.L.I.P. just has to invite them and then make this place more accessible to all people.

Today is the day the staff informed me, very politely that the object which is FAR OVER three times the size and weight of T.U.L.I.P.'s refrigerator is "very important" and won't be moved into the spacious recently expanded library, and won't be moved into the 'grand lobby' vestibule area which they will use for their 'art gallery'. He said "that’s very VERY important to us". It is flat gargantuan all-metal object with sharp-corners 'drawer' 5 ultra-wide flat drawers that holds LITERALLY, ACTUALLY scraps of paper. I offered the solution that maybe we could get 5 oversized artists carrying folders and place the paper in each one of those. He said no. I stayed quiet. I offered the resolution that perhaps they could simply move it somewhere else in the room, so we could simply have room for two tables to be down at all times. He said "we'll see". i stayed quiet. I realize now that those scraps of paper, (the first drawer actually says "PAPER SCRAPS") are more important to T.U.L.I.P. than having two tables down at ALL TIMES in T.U.L.I.P. for the elderly, for the disabled and for the under appreciated underclass.

I stay quiet. i stayed quiet. i've stayed quiet for long enough.

One of the saddest things I've ever heard in perhaps my entire life was that the General of my country's overseas war said that the intensity of the bomb dropping and the "pre-emptive non-aggressive" attack on that overseas country was harder than he had ever seen in his entire 17 year military career.

i stay quiet.

Now, I'm going to say something to the whole world with humility, and kindness out of a love for all people, out of a desire for unity that is more intense than a lot of what i have said throughout my more than 17 year life:

"Please don't let petty things stop our world, our races, our age groups from being united in a common effort of love, unity and peace." Please?

I am quiet. i will remain quiet because that is my nature and it has taken me a very long time to completely like who i have come to be. But i am crying in a most unquiet way on the inside, for the loss of human life in such a violent way overseas, for the people who are starving and hungry in my country and all over the world, and for the way that it all continues and is getting worse simply because the love and peace seekers of our world are not united.

Day 37 - Saturday

I came to T.U.L.I.P.. There is about 250 sheets of the 11 x 17 sheets of paper left after I used about 250 yesterday. I’m not going to use it because that’s inconsiderate to anyone else who might need to use some to save some much needed money in this world of ever present budget cuts and lay off. People who read this may think that I'm calling T.U.L.I.P. inconsiderate. But in fact, I'm calling myself inconsiderate. After reading my last issue, I realize that it is hypocritical of me, to mention things about T.U.L.I.P. that other people may feel are inconsiderate, but at the same time, I used up EACH and EVERY scrap of (non cover stock) 11 x 17 paper that i could find without being considerate to anyone else who may have needed some. What a hypocrite I am! And actually, several days after i used all that paper there were two guys who came in searching for that kind of paper and there was none.

I realize that’s just a small step in being considerate of other people needs but it is a step that we all should take.

I came in and spoke to the T.U.L.I.P. staff member. i informed him that I made a new issue of this zine and that it would be called , "People Have Told Us They Like To Stand Up When Using The Typewriter." That staff member is cool. In searching for a productive resolution to our lack of 11 x 17 paper, rather than a counterproductive description of further problems, I also asked him for permission for me to ask the whole world to please send some FREE (hopefully recycled) 11 x 17 paper to the IPRC. He started to get a little riled up, but he was still relatively polite. He said that as long as it is free it is ok. COOL! AWESOME, HOMEY, HOMEY!

O.K., Here is my official announcement:


No matter where you are in the world, please consider sending T.U.L.I.P. some 100% free 11 x 17 paper. No cover stock please. Just the regular stuff. For the sake of trees, please let it have at least a little post consumer recycled content, if you can't afford 100% post consumer recycled paper. The address for T.U.L.I.P. is

The Director (I'll only give the words 'the director' so I don't have to put down their real business name) 917 SW Oak Street #218, Portland, Oregon 97205 USA, Phone / Fax: 503.827.0249.

T.U.L.I.P. is non-profit so they'll appreciate it.

If you would like to speak to someone in advance about this, please call up and ask to speak to the staff member who rides the bike and buys the 11 x 17 paper. I am not printing his name so that this doesn't seem like a personal discussion. They'll know who you are talking about.

Day 38 Sunday

The staff finally got two reams of paper. With my latest zine in his hand which has these dated equality issues, he was UNQUESTIONABLY upset about having to get it and slammed it on the table.

Today, to my surprise and SHOCK, T.U.L.I.P. had an open house. The T.U.L.I.P. Open House was from 12pm until 6pm on Sunday. I was here from 1pm until 6pm. take a guess how many Asian-Americans, Latino-Americans and African-Americans I saw attend that open House out of the countless people who showed up? ZERO!!!!!! Know why? T.U.L.I.P. only let the Oregonian and the Portland Mercury know about it!!!

Day 39 Monday

Another volunteer member of T.U.L.I.P. gives me a hand size flyer that says that on April 5th they are going to "celebrate" the new changes and renovations at T.U.L.I.P. with an Open House. Yup', the same changes and renovations which I've been telling them for the past two weeks descriminate against minorities, the elderly, the disabled and members of EXTREMELY limited income social classes who shouldn't have to have 50% of the only TWO tables and space sacrificed to make way for the luxuries of other rooms in T.U.L.I.P.!

On a much much smaller scale, this reminds me of the most racist incident ive ever heard about in Portland, Oregon. I recall when those police officers shot and killed that mentally-challenged Latino-American. Instead of trying to discuss the issue or at least RESPECT the issue, the police department ACTUALLY gave AWARDS to the police officers who shot that minorities.

Here I am making posters, passing out flyers, requesting equality discussions, LITERALLY begging and pleading that they REVERSE some of their changes and have some consideration or AT LEAST RESPECT for minorities, for the elderly, for the disabled… and all I get is A FIGURATIVE spit in my face!

all I get is that famous quote that I may never forget " People Have Told Us They Like To Stand Up When Using The Typewriter"!!!

I, immediately put aside my feelings and ask, "Have you contacted the Asian Reporter or El Hispanic news about this? The staff member tells me the other staff is taking care of the press release. I have to talk to him about it.

Day 40 Tuesday

I realize that I'm going to have to try to contact members of the media in order to try to get someone to notice what is going on here. because I know what is going on here… …is UNDOUBTEDLY going on in many other organizations throughout Portland and throughout the world. Every single method I've used to try to get the people, the administration of T.U.L.I.P. to consider the IMPACT of its "changes" and "renovations" on the minority, elderly and underclass… ….have been ignored. I realize that many of the members of the IPRC may become infuriated that I am telling the press about the "issues" at T.U.L.I.P..

I'm at the Portland public Library and I notice the front cover headline on a magazine that is on a rack next to the aisle where I was walking. It reads "Race and Diversity myths". It is a Canadian magazine titled "Alternatives, Canadian environmental ideas & Action". I read the 6 page article. It is EASILY one of the BEST articles that I have ever read on the subject of racism as it applies to activism. Short (unlike this article, sorry) and to the point. I recommend that everyone read it , the Winter 2003 article by Andil Gosine, the magazines website is " ". I photocopy the article. I take it to T.U.L.I.P.. I write on the photocopied front cover "For members of T.U.L.I.P. from T, "So you'll know it is an international problem, and it is not personal. True love & unity for the people". I also write at the end of the article " Racism, Classism, Ageism and having a lack of accessibility are world wide problems. I apologize if it seems personal. I love you all. True love and Unity for the people, T". I photocopy it 20 times (onto 11 x 17 paper which saves me over 50% on just copying the article) and place one in the office mailbox of about 15 staff members and I place 5 on a desk for people to read.

The parts of the article that I have circled and underlined in felt tip pen are " some have viewed any talk of racism with deep suspicion. David Ortega repeated a familiar criticism at the 1995 annual meeting of the Environmental Studies of Canada: "The broad charge of environmental racism against environmentalist is really a form of psychological warfare. ' he said, 'to put people on the defensive, and also… to advance a particular aboriginal agenda'." I crossed out the word 'aboriginal and placed "minority". Because I know people think I just want the paper and the two tables. But it is about more than that. There are SERIOUS issues that need to be addressed and corrected I here in T.U.L.I.P. and in all organizations and businesses.

Where are all the minorities in this organizations? Where are the elderly? Where are the disabled? I'm over 50% blind. My doctor tells me I may lose all my eye sight. The braille material information that I'm asking T.U.L.I.P. to get may be material that I may need one day just to use a computer here! More importantly, ANYONE of us may find ourselves disabled one day. Is THAT the day when we should start championing the cause of the disabled? Why wait?

I circled another part. "Myth 3 Racism happens somewhere else. Perhaps the most damaging characteristic of the 'diversity' discourse is that it avoids attention to power (especially institutionalized forms of power) and so avoids a term that many Canadians believe only applies elsewhere, particularly to the US: racism." Unbelievable. The U.S.A. is world famous for our racism. Sad.

The other part of the article I underlined was "Myth 5, Anti-racism is expensive ( and environmentalist have no money)." I crossed out the words 'environmentalists have' and placed "T.U.L.I.P. has". I also underlined the first sentence under that myth which read " 'Limited resources!' is a popular refrain among organizers when discussing the homogeneous make-up of their staffs and memberships, and especially when asked about their strategies to invite the participation of different communities"

I also circled "Why don't environmental organizations offer to do presentations at centres where new immigrants are learning English as a second language?" That was a phrase that I wanted to, but didn't even dare to ask. Wow. I crossed out 'environmental' and placed "non-profit", because T.U.L.I.P. is a non-profit which is grossly failing to reach out to the multi-cultural communities like so many other non-profit organizations throughout the U.S.A. Ironically, these non-profit organizations are the ones that minorities, elderly and the underclass so DESPERATELY need in order to unite and get their united voice heard.

The most important thing I circled was "Most importantly, perhaps, anti-racist initiatives require not just an invitation to the excluded, but a reopening of environmentalism itself, and an appreciation of many different kinds of knowledge and experience." Beautiful. BeeeeauuuuUUUuutiful!

(it gives a follow up discussion and links website as

On this same day, I ask the other staff can I contact the minority newspapers and elderly newspapers and disabled community organizations. He tells me "I'm on my way out the door, you'll just have to leave the list for me on my desk!"

Unbelievable. I've been telling T.U.L.I.P., along with a GIANT YELLOW poster on the wall, that there are diversity issues here in T.U.L.I.P., to put it nicely, and here it is MARCH 24th, 2003, less than two weeks from the "Open House" and they haven't contacted any minority or elderly newspapers even though it is common knowledge that weekly newspapers (as the minority newspapers are in Portland) need two weeks advance notice!

Attention! For the benefit of any other organizations in Portland that are facing "issues" of diversity I am going to print here the list that I left on his desk:

A list of newspapers and other organizations to help T.U.L.I.P. learn to invite people of all races, ages, abilities and classes.

Portland Alliance

Affiliated Tribes Northwest Indians (ATNI) PHONE: (503)241-0070 Director of Administrative Services: Nolee Olson 1827 NE 44th Avenue, Suite 130 Portland OR 97213-1443

Bureau of Indian Affairs (Portland Area Office) PHONE: (503)231-6702 (Oregon, Washington & Idaho) FAX : (503)231-2201 911 NE 11th Avenue WEB:

Asian Reporter newspaper

[Note: The Asian reporter has a huge database of Asian groups on its website. Most of them do not have an email address, but do have a telephone number ] Concordia News Community Events

Centro Cultural - providing a variety of services and programs to the Hispanic Community (503) 359-0446 email:

ElHispanicNews attention: ¿más que pasa? "Sumit your Latino related Community calendar listing (two weeks prior to event date) to:"

Mexican Consul Office Martha Ortiz de Rosas (503)274-1442 email:

NAACP/Portland Chapter PHONE: (503)284-7722 4815 NE 7th Avenue Portland OR 97211

Northwest Asian Weekly

Northwest Examiner

Nothwest Theatre of the Deaf (since 1974) what is NWTD?

Oregon Commission for the Blind Portland Headquarters 535 SE 12th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 (503) 731-3221 Toll Free: (888) 202 5463 Email:

Oregon Peaceworker

Oregon Association of Minority Enterprises (OAME) 4134 N. Vancouver Ave Portland, OR 97217 Phone: 503-249-7744 Fax: 503-249-2027 Email: Web:

Portland Family Magazine

Portland Freeskool

Recycling Advocate

Southwest Washington Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Covers Clark, Skamania, Lewis, Pacific, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties 1715 Broadway Vancouver, WA 98663 360-695-9720 TTY or 360-695-3364 V 360-695-2706 FAX Rusty Wales, Director Website:

Silent News Nationwide News Paper They have an online calendar at Serving the hearing challenged

Southeast Examiner examiner@

Senior Adult Learning Center (SALC) at Portland State University is a vital and growing part of the lives of older adults in the Portland, Oregon area. Founded in 1973 as a unit of the Institute on Aging, College of Urban and Public Affairs, SALC exists to enhance the quality of life of older people through continuous learning and to offer opportunities for intellectual enrichment, leadership, fellowship and personal growth within the university setting. It is funded solely through the contributions of program participants. Please call the SALC office in order to ask about putting up a flyer in order to reach out to the senior community 503-725-4739 or you can submit the info using the online registration form at

Senior Life

St. John online newspaper

Streetroots Newspaper Patricia Annis - reporter Newspaper serving the Extremely Limited Income social class

PSU Vanguard

Oregon Cycling Bike riders tend to be part of the Extremely Limited Income social class

Portland Observer

I scratch my head like a monkey... ..and say bye everyone! i love you all! T.,


If anyone, from anywhere in the world, would like to "discuss" either of these issues , please send and email to I probably won't email you back, but after editing it, i will post it on this website. I will edit it and cut out any overtly-negative parts of it like a ninja on a mission. Be sure to tell me if it is ok to publish your first name (i don't publish last names) AND YOUR EMAIL. I repeat, please be certain to say "no, do not publish my email" or "yes, it is ok to publish my email address because i want feedback from people". if you do not say "yes, publish my first name and my email address" I will not publish your first name nor your email address.

I will also be happy to publish emails without names. As a matter of fact I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you use a fictional name if you send an email to me for two reasons.

#1. People have a tendency to be more honest when they have no fear of retaliation from their peers.

#2. SPAMMERS are cruel. Once they have your email address they multiply like roaches in a sugar factory on a Candyland board. Thus, because people will be seeing this world wide, you should not use your primary email address.

Speaking of SPAM, the subject line of your email to me should read "this is anti-copyrighted". That lets me know that it is ok for anyone all over the world to reproduce it. If the subject line does not read "this is Anti-copyrighted" i will presume it is SPAM and delete it without reading it. I get hundreds of SPAM everyday from scam artists (sometimes even spam personalized with my name) with colorful subjects lines. Thus, I am not as curious as i once was about "strange" or "interesting" emails.

[[[This information in triple brackets is my official authorization and permission to you:

If you have a zine, newspaper, magazine, book or any other publication, you are welcome to place this zine "We Came To Protest On Behalf Of (The Untitled)" in it for free. Even if you don't own a publication, even if you are a distributor, you are welcome to print this out and sell copies of it any where in the world for any price you choose. I humbly desire this zine to spread love, to educate, and to give a spark of hope to ALL people and MOST IMPORTANTLY to be sold by people as an additional source of income to help end their hunger crisis. I own the license rights and the copyright to it, and by reproducing it, you LEGALLY agree to NOT CHANGE, SHORTEN OR EDIT ANY OF MY WORDS, but anyone can reproduce it, without limit, without needing to pay me anything and without needing to contact me. You can even reproduce it in its entirety if you choose to do so just to make me look bad and disagree with me. The more publicity you give this zine, the more people who are facing a hunger crisis will know about this zine and discover another method by which to earn income by which to end their hunger crisis. hopefully, even if people read only the last few words of this zine, it will be a great recommendation for people to join and become members of T.U.L.I.P.. Just be kind and don't change anything in it. Also, please consider using recycled paper. Thanks! ]]]

Double. PS.

Because statistics reveal that people tend to read the first few lines and then scroll to the bottom of most lengthy essays, i chose this p.s. area to say this:

One of the ways that T.U.L.I.P. has made its services available to all people regardless of race, class, age or disability is by... *drum roll* ...having good prices and fees. The membership services you pay a reasonable sliding scale fee of no more than $100.00 per year for at T.U.L.I.P., would cost you far, FAR, FARRRR over $2,000 dollars in only 6 months time in service fees at Kinko's.

The best part is member prices are 3 cent per copy. If you compare that to Kinko's' you are saving FAR over 50%!!!!

One of the ALL-TIME greatest racist, classist, ageist and ableist OBSTACLES in the world is: high prices and unaffordable fees. Financial inaccessibility is used to keep services from being obtained by minorities, low income social classes, the elderly and other minorities.

So in closing to reinforce what i feel in my heart... ...T.U.L.I.P. is helping the community and I hope it continues to do so.

Good bye. True Love & unity... ... for the people!

T.v,L.i.m.i.t. BNB

The above zine can be found at

More issues or home page

Issue # Love And Equality Discussion
Home Page -
(in 6 languages) Issue # True Love In Da' Heart, Two Fists In Da' Air
Issue # People Have Told Us They Like To Stand Up When Using The Typewriter