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Kristen Leigh's Poems

Hi! My name is Kristen Leigh. This is my website of some poems that I've wrote. I hope you enjoy my poems! Thanks for visiting my website! Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Right Now...

Right now...
Someone is laughing,
Someone is crying,
Someone is in love,
And someone is lonely.
Someone is being born,
Someone is dying.
Someone is caring,
And someone is being careless.
Someone is scared,
Someone is brave.
Someone needs to be held,
And someone is holding.
Someone needs help,
Someone is giving.
And right now,
Someone loves you,
And can only hope for your love in return.

-Kristen Leigh

If there were no Words

If there were no words,
How would we speak?
Without words,
Some people wouldn't last a week.
If there were no words,
There would be no sense in living.
If there were no words,
No one would have fun on Thanksgiving.
There would be no singing, talking, or conversations.
If we could not talk,
We wouldn't be able to give or recieve information.
There would be,
No jokes,
No laughing,
No nothing.
If there were no words,
Life would be pretty boring.

-Kristen Leigh

I'll Never Forget

I'll never forget
All the bike rides we went on,
Or all the ice cream cones we ate.
I'll never forget
Our walks on the nature trail with your dog,
Or all the sleepovers at your house.
I'll never forget
All the places we went for our birthdays,
Or all the dumb things we did together.
I'll never forget
All the confidence you gave me,
Or all the hard times we went through.
I'll never forget
All the memories we made,
And I'll never forget,
That you will always be my best friend.

-Kristen Leigh

Teenager to Parent

You say you understand how I feel,
But you don't.
You say I have so much to learn,
And you're probably right.
I tell you you're overprotective,
And at times you are.
You get mad at me and threaten to punish me,
And sometimes you do.
I get angry and say I won't talk to you,
But I always do.
You probably think that being a parent of a teenager is hard.
And maybe it is.
But please remember,
That being a a teenager is hard, too.
Maybe even harder.
At the end,
Both you and I will get through this,
And someday we will look back and laugh.
But until then,
Both of us must remember,
To enjoy the present,
And not to save all the laughing for later.

-Kristen Leigh

These next poems are about my boyfriend/ex-bf that went to the army.

When I'm with You

When the world doesn't agree with me,
And when I don't agree with the world,
All I want to do,
Is be with you.
When I'm in your arms,
I feel safe from all harm.
All my troubles and worries disappear,
And for that short period of time,
Everything in my life is clear.
I love you,
And when I look into your eyes,
I know that you love me, too.
If I do feel depressed,
And you can't be there,
I know in my heart,
That you still care.
And if you ever need me,
When you have a problem,
I hope you always know,
That I'm always here.

-Kristen Leigh

Where I want to Be

You're an angel,
That heaven sent to me,
And in your arms,
Is where I want to be.
Someone telling me that I can't see you,
Is like taking a part of me away.
Every night before I met you,
I'd pray,
For someone like you,
To come into my life,
And take my heart away.
Sometimes all I want to do,
Is run away with you.
But right now, I feel,
There is nothing I can do.
Where ever you are right now,
Is where I want to be.
And as long as you're not here,
This is the way,
It will always be.

-Kristen Leigh

Life without You

You've been in my life the past eight months,
And in a few weeks,
You will be gone,
Just like that.
Will you still love me,
When you get back?
I can't imagine life without you,
But yet, while you're gone,
It's hard to stay with you.
People tell me, "You will make it through this,"
But how can I,
When I don't have your soft lips to kiss?
Every night, I lay down in my bed and cry.
I fear the day,
In which I must tell you good-bye.
I never knew breaking up would be this hard,
But what else can I expect,
After giving you all my heart?

-Kristen Leigh


It's so easy for everyone to say,
That everything will be ok.
But they don't understand,
Just how close to you I am.
They don't see me in my bed,
Crying at night,
All they can say is,
It's gonna be alright.
I've realized that I'm in this alone.
Alone with no place to go.
Why do you have to leave me?
You say you will be back,
But how do I know that?
You tell me to be strong,
But five months is really long.
I can't remember,
What life was like without you,
I'm gonna be so lost without you.

-Kristen Leigh

Saying Good-Bye

It's the last time I'll see you for five months,
I stand there facing you,
Forced to face the truth,
That I must live my life without you.
You hold me in your arms,
As I start to cry.
I don't wanna let go.
I don't wanna say good-bye.
But this is it.
I must let go.
I'm so scared, Tony,
More than you'll ever know.
I stand there,
And watch you drive away,
This is so hard for me,
But I know I'll see you again someday.

-Kristen Leigh

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