The One

Why doesn't it end with you?
It's been over a year, yet I still cry.
With no one else has it been like this,
Nor shall it ever be.
And I am not the one inside your heart
I am no longer the one by your side
I shall never look into your eyes again
And can I really say why?
Can either of us really say why,
Why we felt we had to separate, forever?
Did you mean for it to be forever?
I can't look at her face without feeling
Such great loss, like losing a war
The reconstruction is over, but the scars remain.
And I feel like I'm drowning sometimes,
Like there's some unseen wound left open,
Like the feelings I've trapped spill out at times
And all I know is the pain.
When I think of you, I see a montage of memories
Both good and bad
Like in a soap opera, everything in sequence
Cheesey music in the background
A tear-jerker every time.

December 21, 2003
