The First Time

I can feel it when you touch me
Your love for me is undending
When you make love to me
You reach down and touch my soul
You look at me so deeply
That I fall in love all over again
Every time.
Each stroke, each brush of skin
Sends to excitement through both of our bodies
The electricity
It touches us both
I never want to leave you
I want to lay naked in your arms
For the rest of my life
I want to feel the softness of your skin
Against my body for all eternity
Hold me, and whisper that you love me
Never let me go.
I want to spend all of eternity by your side
I love you with every thread of my being
Every part of me is deeply in love with you
I long to be yours again
To know that you are mine forever
Because I will always be yours
Won't you please just hold me?
Please, I beg of you, take me back!
Let me have a chance.

April 18, 2002
