Teenage Suicide

In a cemetery less than two miles from my house
Lay two 15-year-old boys,
Buried not 30 feet from each other
And while they are there at their own hands,
It makes you think just how short life can be
It makes me realize that
I might not wake up tomorrow
And we need to make the most of
What we have, and what we get
When we see an opportunity to be happy,
We need to seize it like the most precious gift
When we see an opportunity to make a friend
We need to take the initiative, say "hi"
You never know how deep an impact
Your presence can make in a life
Do everything you love, don't hold back
And never regret loving it
We take being alive for granted every day
Things we live for, everything around us
We take it all for granted
When we should be grateful for every breath
Every step, every beat of our hearts
And above all else, we need to love
What is a life without love?
Don't give up, it's there, you'll find it
Maybe in a place we least expected
Maybe right next to us, right in front of us
It's there, waiting, watching
Give everything at least one chance
It could be the last chance you ever need
But you need to take it,
Because you never know when you'll be
The next person spending eternity in a box
With dates so close together, people stop and stare
Less than two miles from my house
Less than thirty feet from
A 15-year-old football star and his best friend
You just never know when tomorrow might not come

March 17, 2003
