You and Your Stupid Black Sweater

You don't say you love me anymore.
How can you love me
When you can't even say it?
I see you standing there
In your stupid black sweater

(that I absolutely love)

And my heart nearly stops
And cries out in pain
Oh God!  Why do we have to be like this?!
I don't think I can live much longer
When I feel so empty inside.

(non dimentichi mai il mio cuore, ti amo cosi)

You say stop, don't say those things
But I have to!
I have to get them out.
God, a whole year.
Can I last a whole year more?
How will we be in 365 days?
"No one knows what the future holds."

(oh god somebody shoot me)

Sleep!  Oh god yes!  My one perfect escape!
Please overtake me!
Leave me to my dreams
Where my life is perfect again.

September 5, 2001
