
I can't see five feet in front of me anymore
And how can I make a change
When I'm under the influence of life
It's the worst addiction to have
And what kind of world do we live in
When Martha Stuart gets sent to jail,
What is this world coming to?
"Look at me, look at me, analyze what you see"
Well, what do you see?
Jesus, it's all so fucking simple
Eat, or be eaten
Throw the weaker to the dogs
And you wonder why you're still not happy.
It could be better, you know
Put that needle down!
The rosary on the wall is swinging
Now I do feel the breeze.
I finally hear you, God!
And I shall never be the same.
Wonder what you're searching for?
It's not that hard to find, when you look.
I think it's time to give up this facade
And quit trying to intellectualize this... thing
Which we will simply call life,
For the sake of semantics.
Just follow where He leads you,
And you will have it all.

April 22, 2004
