
I feel so uninspired
I have so many feelings inside me
But my words are getting tired
I just don't know what to say
Your voice is running through me
Your words keep me awake
And your face is burned within me
What does that mean to you?
What do I mean to you?
I am at a complete loss.
Sometimes I worry, sometimes I'm calm
But there is never a time when
You aren't in my mind
And I'd like to think you feel the same
Do you even remember my face?
Do you remember my skin?
Do you remember the way I taste?
Is there a way to make you remember
The way you once felt when you saw me?
Or are you completely lost to me
Are we lost to each other
I beg to bleed for you
I beg to know you fully in time
I would die for you, I live for you
I live away from time
And love only one.

May 1, 2003
