
Sometimes I feel like I just gotta
Say goodbye to the world I'm living in
And go to another
A world more liveable
I feel like I just can't take this shit anymore
My mind keeps racing, I'm going crazy
I'm going in circles, ain't going nowhere
Ain't never gonna go nowhere
If I don't get my shit together, now
But where do I start?
How do I begin to get it together?
Nothing ever works for long
Nothing ever stays like it should
Shit just keeps going bad
That's why I gotta leave, now, today
Cuz if not, I'ma go crazy in this shit
Nobody gets it anymore
Everyone just thinks you bring it on yourself
Like I choose to feel so crazy?
I gotta break out!!
You're holding me down
Whoever you are
I've never seen your face
But I've felt your hold my whole life
And I've gotta break away
I gotta leave your world
Say goodbye, no matter how much it takes
If I gotta die doing it
Then, fuck, so be it
Purgatory's better than the shit I live

December 13, 2002
